Chapter 7

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I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket and smirked at Logan.

"What are you doing?" He asked suspiciously.
"Taking pictures. Duh!"

Logan can be sooo clueless sometimes.

I quickly got on my phone, got on the camera app, zoomed in on Aria and the boy and toke a couple pictures of them making out. It actually seemed to be a pretty intense kiss...but I wanted to throw up.

"Are we gonna tell Wyatt about this?"

I raised my eyebrows and set my phone down.
"YES!" I laughed.

Still Logan is soooo clueless.

"We'll tell him at school on Monday. Now let's go to my house, we can't let Aria see us." I commanded.

I put my phone back in my pocket and carefully lead the way back to Logan's car. When I could no longer see Aria, I began to run as Logan followed my lead.
"Uh oh!" Logan whispered from behind.

Oh jeez what is that kid uh oh-ing for? He better have not peed his pants or something!

"What?!" I shrieked.
"Aria is looking at me!"

"RUN!" I whisper a little bit loud.

Logan and I began running back to his car, still checking to see if Aria was glancing at us or even following us.

"She did see me though when she stopped kissing that dude!" Logan said, as he sat on the driver's seat.

"Did she see me?"

My eyes get wide waiting for Logan's answer.
"No I don't think so."

"Okay. But we're safe now, hopefully. Start driving now please!"

I didn't wanna get caught by Aria, but I think she's up to something and I think she knows what we're up to.


My phone went off as an alarm and I jumped at the loud noise. I reached my hand over towards my night stand and felt my phone, I snatched it and hit the stop alarm button, trying to go back to sleep.


My phone suddenly buzzed again after a few minutes, so I knew it was a text from somebody; my mom.... My mom and dad go to work really early even before I go to school, so when I wake up, I have to get ready quickly, and lock the doors when I leave. Usually I'll ride my skateboard or bike or sometimes, Tori would usually be nice enough to give me a ride.... Ugh! I almost forgot she's still mad at me.... Can I not go to school now? I don't wanna see her!!!

Mom- are you at school yet?

Without even replying back to her, I checked the time on my phone and almost screamed;

I usually set my alarm for 7:50 and it doesn't take me long to eat and get ready for school but now I really have to hurry... School is about to start at 8:30 and it'll take me about 10 minutes to get there in a car. CRAP!!!!! I need a ride.

I got back on my phone and called the only person I knew that could take me to school.

After four rings, he picked up.

Logan- "hello?"
Me- "are you at school yet?"
Logan- "actually I'm pulling up right now, why?"
Logan- you okay, Sky?
Me- sorry I'm running late, gotta go bye!

I ran inside my closet and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, that were a little bit ripped, and a pink sweater. I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth after I got dressed and put on some black converse. My hair was still a mess even though I brushed it and I didn't have time to put on makeup so I just applied some mascara. I headed into my kitchen with my Donut backpack and my phone, as I grabbed my lunchbox and a bagel. Before heading out, i went inside my garage to get my bike and locked the door after I was outside. I put my lunchbox in my backpack and began pedaling as fast as possible.

Now it's gonna take me even longer to get to school! Just great. That's what I get for sleeping in.


"IM HERE IM HERE IM HERE!" I said as I bursted through the door into my first class; US history.

Mr.warner, who was writing on the white board until I came in, looked at me with a weird face. Everyone in the class looked like they were about to laugh. I glanced around the room and noticed Logan sitting next to the windows, smiling.

But he's not in this class...

I felt so embarrassed when I saw Wyatt and Aria in here starring at me and Aria with this evil eye.
They aren't in this class either!

Than, I immediately died when I saw Tori and Lana sitting together.

"Well Skylar, take a seat next to Logan. You are late since its nine thirty one but I'll give you a warning. We had to switch some kids into this class since some of them had the wrong schedule." Mr. Warner explained.


I slowly walked towards Logan with everyone's eyes on me. Once I sat down, everyone began laughing at me. I don't really get what's so funny because I came in late screaming; "IM HERE IM HERE IM HERE." Really? Is that so funny.

"You know I could've picked you up if you wanted." Logan whispered.

"No it's fine."

"What's everyone laughing at?" I asked.

Logan seemed like he was about to laugh as well.

"Well um your hair is really messy right now and did I mention you have bird poop on the back of your sweater?" He laughed quietly.


I turned around and caught my eyes on the bird poop that was on my sweater. This is not happening... I wanted to cry and literately die in a hole.

"Oh my god. No!" I whispered to Logan.

Logan toke off his plain blue Nike jacket and handed it to me.
"You'll need it." He said.

"I can't take this. I don't want to have bird poop on your jacket though." I joked.

"Just take it." Logan laughed.

I smiled.

I toke the jacket and put it on.

"If you have something under your sweater you should take the sweater off and just wear the jacket with whatever your wearing under."

Logan was right.

I raised my hand as mr. Warner turned around and noticed me.
"Yes skylar?"

"Can I use the bathroom?"

"Go ahead." He said, rolling his eyes.

I got up from my seat and walked out of the classroom, taking a left and than into the bathroom. I found an open stall and locked the door, taking Logan's jacket and my bird pooped sweater off. I had a tank top under the sweater, anyways. I put Logan's jacket back on and zipped it all the way up.

As I went out of my stall, I tried rinsing off the bird poop from my sweater but still no use. After a minute, I gave up and walked towards the bathroom door until I saw a familiar face open it; ARIA.

"What's up bird poop sweater girl?" She giggled.

Ugh. Even her laugh is like a hyena.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bathroom, trying hard not to cry.

Now it's time to spoil your secret, Aria...


Logan and I walked up to Wyatt's jock table a few minutes after lunch had started. Wyatt and his friends gave us a look and as his friends looked at me they laughed. Aria was sitting next to Wyatt with her group of friends.

"Wyatt, there is something you need to know." Logan began.

"Okay?" He said curious.
Aria shot me a death glare and seemed curious as well.

I toke a deep breath and swallowed hard.
"Aria is cheating on you."


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