Prologue: The Murder

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It was a serene day in Salford Hollow, Manchester, a patch of urban turf the city slickers labeled "The Forgotten." The skyline painted with timeworn structures, each standing tall, a testament to a bygone era. I go by the name of Thomas Blackwood.

My old man, Victor Blackwood, toils as a grease monkey in the gutted heart of Salford Hollow, fixing up motorcycles for those seeking a faster getaway. Ma, Ellisa Blackwood, hails from the rough side of the tracks, wedded my pops and gave up the hustle at his garage when stage 2 cancer came knocking on her door.

Yours truly, along with my sister, Elizabeth Blackwood, decided to carve our own path in this gritty landscape. We christened ourselves The Blackwood Family - a name that echoes through the narrow alleys of this forgotten city.

Lucas Cartwright, a brainiac with an IQ pushing 134, serves as our Consigliere, the brains behind our brawn. Kevin Baxter handles the dirty work on the streets, orchestrating our operations with the precision of a surgeon. And then there's me, Thomas Blackwood, the boss, calling the shots. Elizabeth, my sister, stands by my side as the underboss, a force to be reckoned with.

But the tranquility of our dominion shattered one dawn when a single gunshot shattered the silence, echoing through my father's window. The old man was gone, taken by a bullet meant for another. The pain in my heart rivaled any gunshot wound, and the constabulary, they cared little for our grief.

I convened with the family. Lucas, ever the voice of reason, offered his condolences. "I'm sorry 'bout your old man, Tommy."

"It's alright. We find the scum who did this, and we make 'em pay," I replied.

Word on the street pointed fingers at the Jack Rose gang - a name synonymous with power and influence. Baxter chimed in, "Rumor has it, Tommy, that Jack Rose's boys are behind this."

"A man ain't respected for his connections. He's respected for keepin' his word. Our word is vengeance. Fear not, for a man's intellect is mightier than his firepower," I declared.

"We'll hunt 'em down, from the tallest towers to the darkest alleys. We'll leave 'em with nothin' but bones to remind 'em who they crossed."

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