Please don't go

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The girl wrapped her arms around the boy's body.

She wouldn't let go, she clung onto him like he was everything that kept her alive, everything that she was living for.

She leaned her head into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her in return.

She lifted her head, looking up at him.  He had grown taller.  She raised her hand and gently touched his face.  She leaned closer, their bodies now seeming like one.  She stared at him, her eyes not moving.  He stared back, mesmerized on her.  She opened her mouth.

"Don't leave me.

Please never leave me.

You're my only hope,


He slowly dipped his head.  

"I won't.

I'm sorry.

I won't ever leave you."

She smiled.

"When we get out of here,

we'll get out together.

We can live together.

We can be together."

She lifted her head up more.  He lowered his in turn.  They came so close to each other it was almost as if they were merging.  The girl parted her lips, and so did he.  They both shut their eyes and kissed.

That kiss lasted for what seemed an eternity.

An eternity that didn't exist otherwise.

Underneath her sleeve, the girl's arm stung.  But she didn't tell him that.

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