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Kendra put her goggles on and heard the familiar sound of the gears grinding to help focus her sight in the night. Her target was about 50 feet ahead surrounded by at least 20 guards.

"This will be fun" She thought to herself as she vaulted over to the next roof avoiding the chimneys that we scattered about.

As she neared the target the prepared her smoke and sound bombs. The smoke bomb set out black smoke to blind people well the sound bomb let out an ear splitting sound that could disable people within seconds. Both were only available on the black market, so if she was caught she would face certain death at the gallows. When she was about 10 feet away she heard a noise that sounded like a soft putting.

"Bloody hell" She said as she rolled into the window of the target just in time to miss getting hit by a puut mine.

All the guards now alerted at her presence pulled their swords and thorors out. As the first wave of thorors launched she pulled out her gravity spring and used it to jump over the spikes. As the thorors reloaded the guards with swords moved forward to try to hit Kendra as she landed. Kendra landed and ducked, nearly getting her head loped off in the process and quickly swiped the guard in front of her to the ground as more swords tried to get her. The thorors had finally finished reloading and without looking launched another wave of spikes, hitting some of the other guards that were in front of them. As they fell Kendra counted that only 7 guards were left. The guards that were left made a circle around the target trying to protect it. Kendra made another attack this time using her own sword to attack the guards. As metal clashed she thought what it must feel to be a guard taken down by girl, humiliating she guessed a smile crossing her face. As she defeated the last guard, she walked to the target and smiled about how much she was going to get paid for this. Then she saw it, the target little baby Clifford asleep in his cradle. She drew her dagger and got ready to thrust it down into his heart, when she felt a stab in her side. She looked down and noticed a sword sticking out of her.

"You....." She didn't get to finish the sentence as the sword was removed she fell to the ground her world turning dark.

The last guard had recovered from Kendra tripping him and got up in time to save the baby.

"Come on little one let's get you to a safe place" the guard said as the sun started to rise on a new day.

Vocab words

Puut mine: A mine that when activated releases a soft puut noise.

Gravity spring: A spring that when used can alter a person's gravity for a short period of time.

Thorors: Thorors are a club like weapon that when swung release a wave of spikes that are covered in poison or sleeping cream.

Kendra's goggles: A goggle that can help improve vison in the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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