6: Broken Bones

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"I have graded your book reports from last Friday, and after I pass them out, we'll discuss them." Mr. Feeny announced.

Cory turned around to Shawn and had on a big red clown nose. He began to mock Mr. Feeny. I looked at Mr. Feeny to see if he noticed. He did and walked over to Cory. "Ah, Mr. Matthews." He spoke. Cory turned around and smiled at Mr. Feeny. "Shall I express my usual disappointment or just ask you to guide my sleigh tonight?" Mr. Feeny's question made me laugh a little.

"Uh, wrong holiday, Mr. Feeny. See, uh, Halloween's coming up, and I was just test driving my clown nose." Cory said. "Then I insist you stay in the driver's seat. Put the nose back on." Mr. Feeny told Cory. He put the nose back on. "For the rest of the morning." Mr. Feeny said, then turning around and walking back to the front of the class. "Mr. Minkus. Excellent work as usual." Mr. Feeny handed Minkus back his test. "I particularly enjoyed your haiku on Captain Ahab's obsession with the great white whale." I rolled my eyes.

"The calm blue ocean. Sun lights up the monster's eye. He sees me... whale food." Minkus said. "It works on so many levels." Mr. Feeny said, making a levels motion with his hands

"Brown noser." Shawn said. "Troglodyte." Minkus replied. Trogo, huh? "Mr. Lewis. Very good work." Mr. Feeny said as he passed back our book reports. "Mr. Matthews. Not one of your better efforts." He said, handing Cory his work. "Mr. Hunter." He handed Shawn his work and didn't say anything. "Miss. Flores. Very good wording." I smiled and took my paper. I got an A+. I've never gotten an A+ before! It's always just an A!

"Hey, this isn't fair! Rick and I both got C's! How come you tell him he did good work and you tell me it wasn't one of my best efforts?" Cory asked. "Would bozo please come to the center of the ring?" Mr. Feeny asked. Cory got up and went over to Mr. Feeny. Shawn leaned over to me. "What did you get?" He whispered.

"I got an A+!" I whispered back excitedly. "I didn't think your grades went up that high!" Shawn whispered. "Me neither!" I smiled.

Shawn and I waited for Cory to come out of the detention. Shawn was drinking some milk while I drew in my notebook. He'd glance over now and then and compliment what I was drawing. Cory finally came out.

"You waited for me?" He asked. "Are we not your best friends?" Shawn asked. "You had detention too, didn't you?" Cory asked. "Oh, yeah. Mrs. Engles nailed me!" Shawn said.

"I just had nothing better to do." I said. Cory looked confused. "How'd you get detention in Art?" "Well that's what makes me one of the greats!" Shawn said then threw his empty milk bottle away. He noticed something in the trash can and grabbed it. "Hey, check this out! Answers to a test!" Shawn said, showing Cory and I. "Shawn." Cory said as a janitor came out.

We walked away, and Shawn hid the paper behind his back. "We can't be looking at test answers." Cory said. "That's major cheating, detention for life." I chimed in. "Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea." Cory walked away. "No, these aren't for a real test. They're for that stupid IQ test we're taking tomorrow." Shawn said, then balled up the paper. He went to throw it in the trash, but Cory caught it. "Wait a minute." Cory opened the paper. "Let me take a look at this." He scanned the paper with his eyes. "Wow. The person who knows these answers gets a perfect score." "On a test that doesn't even get graded." I spoke.

"Are you kidding? This is my one ticket to get Feeny off my back!" Cory said. Oh no. "If Feeny thinks I'm a genius he'll treat me just as good as he treats Minkus." "Cory. Do yourself a favor. Crumple the paper up, throw it away in the trash. Don't complicate your life." Shawn told him. Cory folded the paper. "You know, that makes a lot of sense, and if I was a smarter person. I'd probably listen to you." Cory unfolded the paper. "Except I'm not a smarter person, but tomorrow I'm going to be a genius." Cory smiled at us. Shawn and I shook our heads, and all three of us left school officially.

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