Chapter 13. Changes

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Chase peace of mind, instead of people.

Sam - Get out of bed. Now!

You turn around in your bed.

You - Sam, I'm sleeping!

Sam - and you have been for 3 days! You have to get out of bed and see people!

You - Why?!

He walks over and pulls off the covers.

Sam - because you are just pushing your problems ahead of you.

You - no...i'm sick

Sam - No you are not!

You - YES!

You fake cough. He roll his eyes.

Sam - I gotta be honest are kind of bringing me down with your sadness! I'm like avoiding you because i'm scared that you are going to infect me with your pathetic crying and screaming in your pillow! And that is bad!

He pushes you out of bed.

You - Sam! You are suppose to love me unconditionally!

He walks over and opens your window.

Sam - and i will when you shower and change into this!

He hands you some clothes.

You - where am I going?

You get out of bed.

Sam - Therapy!

You - Hell no!!

You fall back down on your bed.

Sam - Hell yes! There is something seriously wong with you! It might be like depression or something, so as your friend and brother. I need you to get THE FUCK OUT OF BED AND GET BACK TO BEING THE SISTER I KNOW! Thank you. Plus i have work and i would love to soon be able to have people come over agian.

You - no, no and ouch.

Sam - oh shut up! This is weird for me too! I'm useraly the irresponsible sad person in this household so can you please just get in the shower!

You roll your eyes and get out of bed.

Sam - You have 30 minutes and then we have to go!


- At therapy -

You - Hi, I'm Rubik's Cube – hard to understand, but you can't stop playing with me!

You laugh awkardly.

You - no, i'm not. I'm just Y/n. Short for...

You pause.

You - nothing actually. It's just Y/n.

Margret - You can just sit down.

You - oh yeah, sit down. will do.

You sit down on the couch across from her.

You - Is it now we have to talk about my feelings and i'm going to say something that you then are going to ask me how i feel about and then...

Margret - What if we just try and start? Then after we are done you can tell me if it was what you imagined.

You nod.

You - Good idea. I would also like to say i don't useraly look like this it's just I didn't get a chance to dry my hair because I was too busy escaping a toxic relationship. Priorities, you know?

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