Water Fight

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" kind of," I said with little embarrassment

"do you want coffee or tea " she offered me

"Tea " I replied

"I thought you were a coffee person "

"I take coffee with clients and whenever I'm with friends and family I prefer Tea," I say my thoughts

"I will make my special masala Tea "

She went to the kitchen I stood up and started looking at her hall there was her family photo and one photo of her childhood photo I picked her photo she had no change In her personality I saw the temple it is well organized I think she does pooja I was roaming around she comes with tea

"what are you doing," she asks

"nothing just taking a look at your house " I replied

"have tea first then I will see your entire house "

We sat on the sofa when I took a seep of tea it reminded me of Mom

"What happened it is bad," she asked me

"no tea is great it's just it reminds me of Mom's Tea Mom used to make Tea when she was here "

"do you miss your parents " she asked

"don't you miss " she kept silent we had tea I saw her house she left alone but she maintained well

"aren't you tired as a CEO you have a lot of work then you maintain your house well " I curiously ask

"When I have no one to talk I do house chores to get rid of my loneliness "

"Why do you have so many friends Viraj Veer Karan " I ask

"they are but they have their issues to deal with I can't bother them "

"But if you share they are willing to help you or they can give you advice "

"let's go down " she smiled at me I saw loneliness in her eyes I was wrong everything is change she was not the bubbly girl with bright eyes anymore I think she faced this cruel world at an early age

We headed towards the hall she forgot to step on the stairs I held her hand and pulled her in my arms we were lost in each other's eyes for minutes my phone rang making us come into reality

We went down I picked up the phone it was mom

"Hello, " I say

"hello beta did you do Pooja "

"yes Mom I did it "

"good we are coming tomorrow evening "

"what " I accidentally shout

"What happened didn't you say you miss us " Mom replied

"but you say you are coming next week "

"we are free so we thought we should visit there and your dad have also some work in Mumbai," Mom said

"OK come see you tomorrow "

I hung up call looked at my tense face Shreya asked me

"is everything alright "

"no Mom and dad coming tomorrow "

"what is bad in that you should be happy "

"I'm happy but my house is messy if my mom conditions the house she will force me to hire made " I explained my situation

"then clean your house "

"how I clean the entire house alone they are coming tomorrow evening I have no time "

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