hang out

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Chen: amazing, let's go. *Smile*

They go out of the cafe and go to a nearby park..

They both sit down on a bench

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They both sit down on a bench..

Chen tries to hold Chan's hand when...

*Loud crying* chan sees a little kid crying and runs upto him worried

Chan: omg, dear where are your parents? why are here alone? Are you okay?

Chan helps the kid find his parents while Chen adores him from afar with a wide smile

Few minutes later....

A sudden voice: omg!! Aiden!! Here you are!
The worried lady runs upto the kids and hugs him tightly

She then looks up and Chan with tears in her eyes

The parent: thankyou so much for looking after my baby, i can't thank you enough!!

Chan: ofcourse ma'am he says with a relieved smile

The parent: *hands a bag of snacks* please take this!! It's my thanks to you

Chan: oh no ma'am, i can't take that iam sorry.

Few more minutes of convincing her to not give him those snacks, she finally decides to go

The parents: well- well thankyou again!! Aiden let's go. Thankyou kind man

Chan: my pleasure

Chan goes back and sits next to chen

Chen: you're pretty good with kids huh

Chan: yep, i love kids alot

Chen: that's greatt~~

Chan: yeahh

They both laugh

Chan checks time and realises he needs to go home

Chan: omg I need to go!

Chen: already? Awh.. well how bout i walk u till your home? Chen said hoping chan would say yes

Chan: hmmm alright! Let's go.

They both start walking to Chan's house

Chen holds Chan's hand

They eventually reach Chan's house

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They eventually reach Chan's house

Chan: thanks for coming along with me so far

Chen: anything for you love~ he says and winks

Chen: owh it's latee..

Chan looks at his watch and yeah...it's pretty late..

Chen: can i maybeee..stay over for tonight?

Chan: yeah sure, come in!

Chen goes in..
Chan walks to his room to go sleep and Chen follows him..

Chan: why are you following me?

Chen: cause we are sleeping together tonight? *Blinks innocently*

Chan: *pushes Chen gently* no we aren't, go sleep in the guest room dumbo

Chen: jeez alright angry bird, iam going..

Chan: yep gogo

Chan signals him to go and goes into his room after Chen is gone

Chan: oof that brat..

Chan goes to sleep


???: Yes boss. Iam at his house right now..

Author: heh 🌝

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