The horrible first day

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Ah yes, let's talk about the horrible first day of school! You were sitting at the bench when I arrived at my new school. I was not even 15 minutes at school and I already got the name emo and satan. You were just chilling on your phone and the bench right behind the basketball ring, the only thing I didn't know was that you were new aswell. We were both fresh meat for wolves. I was called satan and emo ( still am but less so now ) because of my beautiful clothing style and cute makeup but no one was used to my style/interests so I was laughed at.

Then it came, that painful sound of the bell telling us to stand in our class group. I had already chatted with 3 girls, who had feelings and came to see if I was okay after a stupid comment ( 1 of those girls was Deara ) but I was quickly laughed at again by 1st and 2nd years.

Everyone took some distance from me but those times are over. People are starting to get used to my style. At the meeting, you and others were the chatterboxes and I was asked what my favorite color was because everyone thought it was black or blood red but it is purple.

this was day one, nothing really happened between us because we hadn't talked yet.

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