10 1 1 [The End? Already?] 🚧

20 1 0

The cave looked massive up close. Staying true to its name, there were blue crystals everywhere. The entrance door had a strange sigil above it, it being a blue star.

" Wow.. " Pup said amazed.

" Why would there even be a random cave in the middle of a forest? " User questioned.
Entering the cave, it was full of more blue crystals, and pillars wrapped in vines. The walls were cracked. Infront of them, there was a entrance to what seemed like a dark abyss.

" So, this is where the blue flower is at? " User asked. " Seems like a desolate environment for it to grow. No light, no water even. "

" It doesn't need water or light. Apparently it's like a immortal flower? " Pup answered.

" And.. Where is it? "

Pup pointed towards the abyss. " Maybe in there? It's the only entrance to another room. "

" Well, if we have to go through there.. " XP said, taking out a flashlight from their bag. " ..We need to use this. "

" Wait a dang second.. You had another flashlight on you the entire time? Seriously? " User asked, annoyed.
XP gave a thumbs up, receiving a facepalm from User. XP shined their flashlight towards the dark room, revealing a way bigger section of the cave.

" Now THIS is an actual cave. "

User walked forward, before stopping.
" Hey, XP, could you give me that flashlight? I don't want to fall in a hole if there are any. "
They handed him the flashlight. User continued to walk, shining the flashlight onto the path he was taking.

" Be careful! The floor is pretty slippery. " Nintendo cautioned.
User hadn't even noticed it was slippery. He stopped, and started shining the flashlight at the walls, trying to find an exit. He saw one, infront of him. A unstable looking bridge blocked his path.

" Do we.. cross? " User asked, looking at the others.

" Er, yeah, I guess, maybe. The bridge looks unstable as hell, but if it's the only way.. " XP answered.

" Maybe there's another way? " Nintendo suggested.
User continued shining the flashlight all around, trying to find another way. No luck.

" I guess we gotta cross this bridge. " He said. " Who wants to go first? "
No one answered.

" um. " ..
" Okay then, I'll go first. "
User took one step on the bridge. Immediately, it started shaking. He looked down. The bridge was above a pit that never ends.

" Damn. " He said, stepping back. " That's scary. "

" Ok, that's it! I'm tired of waiting! " Pup said.
The others watched as Pup safely crossed the bridge.

" Well, that wasn't a safe thing to do. " Nintendo said.

" Pup! What do you see there!? " User yelled.

" A.. big room, with a flower in the middle! " Pup yelled back.

" So that must be the room- "
User ran straight across the bridge next to Pup.

" Well then- " Nintendo continued.

" I think the bridge is safe to cross. " XP said.
Nintendo slowly crossed the bridge, followed by XP.

" The flower, right there. " User murmured.
User walked closer to the flower.

" Now what? Do I rip it out of the ground or- "

" Didn't the cat tell us we had to friend a bird that guards this flower? " Pup asked.

User shrugged. " Dunno. There's no bird here guarding it so I don't think so. "

" Hmm.. " XP thought. " Nintendo, come with me for a second. We'll try to ask the people that live in the nearby city for help. "
XP and Nintendo left. User felt strange, re-remembering the cat's words. 'What if this is a trap?'.
Pup touched the flower with his paw. The flower somehow attacked, delivering a shock that made Pup flinch.

" Oww.. " Pup whimpered

" Alright, seems like this flower has built in defence. " User joked.
He stood up, examining the place. It was, another normal cave. Crystals, vines, moss, some pillars here and there.
User could see a pair of light grey eyes in the darkness. Out of instinct, he shined the light onto the eyes. Of course, it was that grinning cat again.

" We meet again. " User said.

" Yes, we do. I see you've managed to find the blue flower. " The cat said.

" Yeah, but we don't know how to use it. "
The cat jumped off the rock it was lying on. The flower immediately turned to face the cat, looking like it was about to attack.

" You see, the flower can hear you, and can do certain acts. If you keep bothering it, it will start shrieking, which will alert almost everyone in this world. " The cat explained. " Worse of all, it will alert Internet too, and they in particular hate Users more than anyone else. "

" oh, ok. "

The cat glanced at Pup, before looking back at User. " Are you two waiting for your 'friends' to come back? "

" Yes? " Pup responded

The cats grin grew bigger, like it was actually smiling. " Well.. that may take a while, maybe even a few days.. " the cat said, while beginning to giggle a bit.
User felt uncomfortable. He looked away from the cat, and started heading out of the cave system.

" And where are you going? " It asked.

" Out of the cave. To search for XP and Nintendo. " User replied with no emotion in his voice.
The cat chuckled, like it has the other 2 times. Used began to feel like this cat was playing tricks on him, and lying about everything to make him feel scared, but he wasn't sure.
He walked over to the cave's entrance, only to find out it was raining heavily and loud thunderstorms could be heard in the background, making him even more worried. What if the storm had caught XP and Nintendo, and they'd gotten lost, or even worse..

Pup stood beside User. " Now what? Do we sleep? It seems to be about 19 o'clock. "

" How long were we in the cave? " User asked.

" dunno. "

" Hello. " the cat greeted, scaring Pup.
User sat down on the hard rock floor. He thought if what the cat had told him was true. The cat could notice this, and started purring.

" What are you so happy for. " User asked.

" Nothing. " the cat responded.
Pup nestled close to User, falling asleep in almost an instant. The cat just started at the night sky, still purring. User, stayed up for a while, still waiting for the others to come back.

" I guess they're not coming back. I guess the cat was right. " User thought, lying down.
He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the loud banging of thunder hitting this earths surface.

" Goodnight. "

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