The Night Before My Life Flips 360°

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Rue's version ~

Sometimes I just like to stare out the window at night, appreciate the serenity that the darkness invites along with it. I don't understand why people are afraid of the dark. Are they afraid they're all alone or that they're not? I focused my eyes on my toes until my vision went blurry and all the colours in my room blended together to make one dark hazy atmosphere. I thought back to what Jules said during fourth period today. About running away, I mean. I tried to weigh up the options in my head but my brain refused to cooperate. That's the thing about depression sometimes. It doesn't just sap away at your energy, it consumes your thoughts to the point wherein you can't even visualise anything but how life has always been this way. I heard a faint tap at my door but I felt too numb to respond. "'s me Gia", said my little sister cautiously. I hated that my twelve year old sister had grown to be wary of me due to my issues but here we are. It's not like it's in my control. "I'm okay Gia I just have the flu", I replied nasally. I heard footsteps retreat as she walked down the stairs, obviously disappointed. I called Jules and told her, "let's f***ing do it" to which she said I won't regret it and that she loves me. I smiled to myself. Honestly if this makes her happy, then it was probably worth leaving my family for. It's not like I had a lot going for me anyway in this bullshxt town. Just threats of rehab and being on the brink of expulsion. Plus imagine not having to deal with Nate's drama ; that's a f***ing relief. Exhausted, I sauntered out of bed to my cupboard where my opiates were hidden and slipped them into my coat pocket. I was going to need them tomorrow night. And I was going to need Jules to not know about it.

Jule's version ~

I wrapped my comforter around me and squealed in elation! It seemed childish to be this hopeful about running away but honestly we were seventeen, not kids anymore. And I was so relieved that Rue was on board with this idea. With or without her I needed to do this anyway, for my sanity. But I wanted to be with her more than I could admit. Her ragged style complimenting my colour and her apathetic mood contrasting my unwavering optimism. She made me feel real and valid. She made me myself. I felt a pang of guilt as my dad called me downstairs for dinner. He didn't deserve to find his daughter missing in the middle of the night. But what if everything was just so convoluted and congested to the extent that running away seemed like the only logical solution? Sometimes getting away helped see things from a different perspective. I called up Fezco and asked him to pattern up some fake IDs for me and Rue. If anyone could pull this sort of illegal shxt off, it was him. Although he was suspicious at first, he gave in when I said it's for Rue as well and that time out would be good for her. I didn't tell him, however, how long the "time-out" was going to last. I was also so proud of Rue for being two weeks clean. So it's not like her addiction was going to get in the way of anything. I knew I could have a positive influence on her life. I pre-booked the tickets to LA under a different name then texted Rue an update. I could imagine her grinning her classic toothless smile at the screen.

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