Part 1

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   Ever since I joined the pillars, I've been trying to be friends with them, but their all really serious, except for Mitsuri! I adore her! We've been very close friends! She even opened up to me and told me she had a little crush on Obanai hehehe!

   Right now, I am sitting in the train and heading back to head quarters, I brought presents for everyone, I hope they like it! I can't wait to get out of here, I've been stuck in this train for a week now.

   Being a Hashira isn't easy...damn, a mission of 3 weeks was heavy! A week to get to Lituma (a small village to the east), the poor little village was ransacked of demons, I'm surprised there was survivors there, but now they can enjoy being free, I had to stay there for another whole week to be able to kill every single demons that was there, there was about 13 demons living under that poor village.

   Good thing is that they weren't really strong demons, I heard the train pull up to my stop, I immediately jumped from my seat and left rapidly. After leaving the train I still had to walk half a day to the Head Quarters.


Y/N: Why did this mission have to be so far!?

   I started whining while walking back.

                         After a While

Y/N: FINALLY! I'm back!

   I head through the gates and walked through the garden a bit until I made it to the front.

   As I was walking, I felt a sharping gaze from my back, I turned around but no one was there, but the sharp gaze did not leave, I started looking around until my eyes landed on a certain person that I've been so eager to see again.

Y/N: Muichirou!!!

   Our eyes locked and I ran towards him, he was up on a tree hidden in the leafs, I placed my bag down and opened it, I grabbed his present and then jumped on the tree.

   I handed him his present and he seemed kinda shocked but soon he's face became stoic again.

Muichirou: Why did you bring me this?..

   I smiled at him and giggled.

Y/N: I saw it at the store back in Lituma and I thought of you!

   His face was unreadable, i couldn't tell what he was thinking, he was staring at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his, locking his eyes with mines and for a meer second I could've sworn I saw lust in his eyes.

   Out of nowhere, it's like he woke up and opened his present, it was a cloud mist shaped like pin charm. He seemed quite amused, I grabbed it from his hand and attached it to his sword while smiling.

Y/N: Do you like it????

Muichirou: I do, it's very....uhum....uhh...Cute?

   I giggled a bit at him.

Y/N: Well, I'm glad you liked it! I'm gonna go see the others! Bye Tokito!

Muichirou: Hm

    He didn't answer me, I jumped down and grabbed my bag and left while smiling, damn, everytime he makes my heart race just by being close to him!!!

   I walked down the path and found the other Hashiras, I gave them all of their presents and left to go look for Shinobu and Mitsuri.

   I walked into the Butterfly Mansion hoping to find them in here and ohh lucky me! I found them in a room talking.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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