meeting with ozzie

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I was sitting next to stolas in ozzies waiting room
Y/n: hey its inna be ok you got this
Stolas: ar-are you sure
Y/n:when have i not been sure
Stolas:y-your right i guess im just on edge thats all
Then the door opens up
Ozzie:stolas and Y/n hey there birdy babes
I say as we walk into his office
Ozzie:can you since you crashed my club how you been still gettin your kink with that feisty imp did you here about him Y/n
Y/n:indeed i did
Ozzie pulls out a seat
Stolas: Well that's actually what I'm here about you see I seem to have found myself with feelings for him and I'm not sure if it's a mutual thing
Ozzie: well I can tell you if you're looking for a love potion you came to the wrong fucking guy I don't fuck without artificial bullshit lust shouldn't be about Force it's an art to be earned and enjoyed it's all about that journey to pleasure town you feel me
Ozzie giggles while Stolas sits down while i stand beside him
Stolas: oh no never never that
Y/n:i love that Journey
Ozzie: see Y/n gets it
Stolas: I just you see this imp has a business he runs he needs to access mortal Realm carry out his work I know your demons are some of the only ones who can Traverse freely and legally I was wondering if you could assist me in finding a way he could too?
Ozzie: oh stolas my heart bleeds for you but my partner business partner fizzarolli hates your Empire guy Blitzø right yeah hates
Y/n:he does?
Stolas:but why
Ozzie: not my story to tell but trust me I would help if I could but I can't sorry
I sigh and stolas looks saddened as i frog ringtone goes off and ozzie walks away and and after a few seconds his phone starts flying in the air glowing and a bubble appears with his "business partners" face on it
Y/n:* yeah I know fucking shot that's just a business partner*
I thought as it turned on but not with "business partners" face
???: hello asmodeus you don't know me but you don't need to all you need to know is that I have your little jester here with me
As fizz comes on screen in tape and ozzie grabs at the bubble
???: if you want him back alive then you will give me exactly what I want
Ozzie: do you have any idea on who you are fucking with
Ozzie says as he starts glowing and stolas walks in front of him
Stolas: I think it's a recording
And izzie stops glowing
???: you're probably just asked if I know who I'm dealing with and oh yes I know the weakest and most non-threatening of the sins the king who will do whatever it takes to save the worst kept secret in all of hell we both know you won't risk anything happening to the Clown so be a good little b**** boy and do the thing my lawyers will be over shortly with the contract of Demands you have until the witching hour to sign it
And a red clock hits stolas in the face and the mafia imp laughs
???: now cut.... I said cut it you fuckin moron
And ozzies phone fall into the table and everything starts to shake as ozzie glows and stolas and i back up as he roars
Y/n:oz lets call down know im sure nothing will happen to fizz
Y/n: because if he did he would lose his hostage and he's only advantage
Stolas:Y/n's right if something did happen you would have no reason not to kill him
Ozzie then calms down and stops glowing
Ozzie: your *sighs* your right
Y/n: now we just have to wait for his lawyer to come

*timeskip with stolas talking to ozzie while you were in your phone*
Then the lawyer was at the door
Y/n: lets get this over with
So we let the lawyer in at he does the audacity to sit in Oz's chair
Y/n:*ohhh this bitch*
Lawyer: heres the paper
(A/n dont know what the fuck they sat so were skipping a bit with Y/n daydreaming in lala land)
Oz:*groans* can I just sign it already like can we move this along
Stolas: sire you need to know the contacts of this contract you can just sign it a deal made with a sin like yourself would be everlastingly binding perhaps I could look it over on the fast reader
Y/n:thats you are brother
I say as oz hands over the paper
Stolas: oh hmmm this is a contract giving Crimson all of ozzies Factory assets and giving him permission to use fozzarolis head as a wall decoration
Oz snatches the paper out of stolas's hands
Oz: wait WHAT
Lawyer: just making sure you're paying attention here's the real contract
He then pulls out a stack of papers and oz has a weird look on his face
(A/n you godda see his face its hilarious)
Y/n:*holy shit*
Stolas: ooh this will be fun I love words
*timeskip with you going back to lala land*
Stolas: okay so I believe this draft allows for some Factory ownership specifically located in the green ring with allocated funds going to your client for the foreseeable future while ensuring the safer turn of one fizzaroli
Lawyer: yeah sure sounds good now let me just reread thisssssssuh
He sips his coffee
Lawyer: yelling won't make me read faster
Y/n: satan fucking  damnit
*timeskip cuz all this damn fish does is sip his damn coffee*
At this point you were actually went to sleep and finally were dreaming because it was so damn boring but oz woke you up
Oz: that's it I'm going to fucking END YOUR LIFE
Before he could Fizz came through the curtains
Oz: FiZzYyYyY
He does a very girly walk over to the imp
Then the do the princess twirl and with that i cam finally fucking leave and the lawyer is frantically storing his stuff into his briefcase
And stolas smirks as we walk away
Stolas/Y/n: get fucked little one
And with that we leave
Y/n: you think Blitz will get the crystal
Stolas: I sure hope so
Y/n: and if he didn't I'm sure this is great bonding experience for us say how about tomorrow me and Via go do something fun as a  cuz you're finally free from your bitch of a wife and should go have fun
Stolas: I'm sure via would love to do that she does like spending time with you
Y/n: I know bye bro
Then I open a portal and walk through it and I'm home
Y/n: oh finally I'm home
And i see barbie on the couch
Y/n: oh hey hot stuff
Y/n: so how was your day
Barbie:fine I guess yours?
Y/n: let me tell you about my day
As i sit down she curls up to me

(A/n boy 1227 words that's good this has been a very successful chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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