Chapter 2.

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Your biology teacher was handing out graded tests. While saying some stuff that wasn't really important. It's been two weeks since the school year started...

You were doing alright in most of the classes, so you hoped you did good on your test.

The teacher approached you and put a test on your desk. "Not your best work Y/n.." she said.

You looked at the test, you've gotten 44% which meant you got an F... The test was about geology, who cares about stupid rocks anyways... whatever..

You took the test and walked out of the classroom, because the lesson was already ending, and walked to your dorm with the failed test in your hand. You were quite thirsty so the first thing you did when you returned to your dorm was going to the kitchen to drink some water..

You put the test on the table and took a glass and filled it with cold water. Meanwhile Scaramouche came into the kitchen, because he heared someone coming in, he wanted to sneak up on you but he saw your test on the table...

He picked it up and looked at all the mistakes you made...

"Wow.. 44%? You're stupid" he said.

You almost spit out your water when you heared him, you turned around and said :"Give that back and focus on your own grades..."

"For your information, I have amazing grades... well better than yours..." He said, his tone was mocking.

"Shut up and go bother your nonexisting friends!" You said, you were getting madder each second he was there with you.

"I have friends! You're just mad I have better grades than you..!" Scaramouche said.

"Yeah, right... Be for real, you don't have any friends with that attitude..." You said, you wanted him to stop bothering you already.

"Fuck you, I do have friends and I do not have an attitude! You're just pulling stuff out of your ass now!" He said, you clearly hit a spot.

"Oh? You mean the guy that's forced to talk to you because you're lab partners?!" You asked angrily. 

"Shut up! Aether is my friend, just ask him!" He wasn't very happy about what you had said, and it was visible.

"I'll make sure I will, now mind your own business!" You were getting annoyed by this fight and you wanted him to just go away.

"No way in hell! Your stupidity could kill you if you don't have anyone supervising you.." He said, he was looking at you as if he was disgusted by your presence.

"Go fuck yourself, don't talk to me, you have no friends and no bitches!" You said angrily.

"You little-"

He was cut off by one of your roommates coming into the kitchen, it was Kaveh. Kaveh is around 6 feet tall and has blonde hair. He's also very friendly, but doesn't spend much time in the dorms, he is usually found in the library or in his friends dorm room.

"Guys... stop yelling.. I'm trying to study." He said, trying to end the fight.

"Tell that to Scaramouche! He's being a dick..." You said.

"Yeah and you're much better... You're acting like a bitch at this point!" Scaramouche said angrily.

"Fuck you, I just don't want you to poke your nose into my stuff, it's annoying, which makes you annoying!" You replied to Scaramouche, trying to end the fight, but in a way that would offend him.  

"I can do whatever I want-" Scaramouche was quickly cut off by Kaveh. 

"Guys! Just shut up, both of you! You're giving me a headache!" He said, he looked tired and stressed. You felt a bit of pity for him.

"You shut up! No one cares about your headache!" Scaramouche said, he was getting mad at Kaveh too now.

"At this point you're just aggressive Scaramouche, you should go out or something..." Kaveh said, he was annoyed by Scaramouches behaviour.

"Right? He was laughing at me because I got a low test score, he's acting like a jerk!" You said.

"Ugh, go fuck yourselves, I'm out of here!" Scaramouche walks out of the kitchen and goes into his room, slamming the door behind him. 

"There he goes with his famous door slam..." Kaveh said, he looked a bit tired. Kaveh and Scaramouche weren't the greatest friends, whatever Kaveh did for scaramouche was answered with a mean comment, so they often got into fights...

"I'm sorry I was so loud..." You said, feeling bad for what happened.

"It's fine!" Kaveh said, smiling at you. "Atleast you can apologise, not like that jerk..." He said quietly.

"Alright, I'll go now..." You said, not wanting to bother him any longer.

"Wait... you mentioned a bad test score, how bad was it?" He asked you with a smile.

"Oh.. uhm.. 44 percent? Haha.." You chuckled nervously.

"Well.. would you like someone to tutor you..?" He asked you. 

"Now that I think about it, help would be nice..." You said, you clearly needed help and when someone was offering you tutoring, why not say yes?

"Alright..." Kaveh said, he took a piece of paper that was on the kitchen counter and started writing something on it. He then gave you the paper, there was someones number written on the paper. "Call this number, his name is Alhaitham, tell him I gave you his number..." He said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, thanks Kaveh! I appreciate it." You said happily, maybe that guy Alhaitham could help you with your studies...

"Yeah of course! Happy to help." Kaveh said, he then turned around and walked out of the kitchen leaving you there alone. 

You sighed and looked at the small paper with the number again. You then put the paper in your pocket, grabbed your failed test and went to your room. You were wondering if you should text that guy Alhaitham right now or in some time. 

You closed the door behind you, sat down on your bed, put the test away and took out your phone.

You also took out the small paper with Alhaithams number and added him to your contacts. You decided you wouldn't text him right away, but in some time, you suddenly saw a notification from Childe, telling you to get your ass to his dorm. You smiled and quickly got up to go to Childe's dorm.


Word count : 1024

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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