Part 01 The Mission

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⭐️ Ivan's Standpoint✨

January first 2100, New Year's Day. We had a giant celebration in my apartment with family and friends. I have just taken a long vacation after my last mission that took me an entire year to complete it. I was now waiting on my next one, which I requested. Nonetheless, I have been turned down before, nothing guaranteed me that I will get the mission now. So many years have passed, way back to the twentieth century, the era of my great-grandfather. I own this to my grandma, the only daughter my great-grandfather had.
She became an agent as well as her daughter, which is my mother. My great-grandfather was promised by his boss that he will grant his descendants a top secret project. That top secret will become possible in the future, and that was to time travel and change the course of time of a case my great-grandfather left behind.
My great-grandfather was commanded to abandon the mission, which took a toll on his personal life. He died in 2058, turning a hundred years old, and on his bedside, he made his daughter promise him that she will seek justice for the lot of his life. My grandmother became an agent, yet in her years, time traveling was not possible; therefore, the promise passed to my mother. She was denied, yet I ignore the reason. I only know that the promise was passed on to me.
While I was having a drink with friends, the door of my apartment opened. My mother received my boyfriend, Adrian. We have been dating for five years and we are both agents. He was tall and beautiful in a long ponytail. Blonde silver hair, blue eyes, porcelain skin, tiny waist, nice ass, very feminine looking. I love him, yet we still don't want to get married. I don't know what is stopping us from taking that decision, perhaps it's our jobs and the fact that we don't get to see each other that much. Nonetheless, when we do, we fuck like there's no tomorrow. He glanced in my direction and bit his lip. He kissed my mother on the cheek and proceeded to approach me. Not only that, but he was stunning, everywhere he goes he turns faces.
"Hey, gorgeous." He said as I received him in my arms, feeling his smaller frame against my brute body size. He put his over my neck and patted my lips.
"Hey, baby, I'm glad you made it." I voiced. He let go of me and grabbed my hand. "Guys, I have to speak to my man privately." They just smiled. I wonder what could be so private. We are not going to make out when family is around. He pulled me into my office and closed the door behind him, locking it.
"What is it, why you brought me here so secretly?" He smirked and replied, "you got the mission you requested, tough guy." I dropped my jaw, I couldn't believe him.
"Are you serious?"
"Why would I be playing with this mission, knowing what it means to your family? Babe, our boss has granted you the mission, and you are going to time travel as soon as possible." I was speechless, "how did you do it?" That was not a clever question, the new boss was Adrian's father. The previous one did not give it much importance, more so, it had something to do with his ego. I'm glad that Adrian's father took over, things will be managed better with his administration.
"Daddy is a reasonable man." He smiled and folded his arms. Now, I will be your contact, assisting you with everything you need— isn't that wonderful?" I smiled.
"Of course, dear." I wasn't that thrilled, my love for him was not as strong as I thought it was. He's a wonderful person, and there are moments when I feel bad because our relationship has been all about sex. I care for him though, and I will do anything for him, but I can't love him the way he deserves.
"Your mom, will be so happy." He pointed out.
"Yes, she will be. This case has been cold for three generations back to my family tree. Honestly, I'm not very knowledgeable about the story of my great-grandfather and the love of his life. I only know who he was, the greatest entertainer that ever lived." He frowned, and said, "really? That's odd, being his descendant, you should know more." The fact is, he does something to me, I can't explain. I mean Michael, the greatest entertainer that ever lived. A man who has been dead for 90 years. He gives me a feeling that I don't dare to mention to anyone, for they are going to assume that I'm crazy. He's the reason I can't fall in love. It's disturbing, and I hate feeling this way.
"Yeah, I should know more, yet none of us does, not even my grandmother nor my mom." I said after snapping out of my thoughts. He then smiled and replied.
"Well, now is the perfect moment to sit and review the file. I will send you the code for the files, you know what to do next. In two days you will travel back in time to November 12, 1991, Los Angeles, California."
Later that night, after the new year's celebration, I knew I had to tell my mother; therefore, I waited until everyone left. "Mother, before you leave, we have to talk." My youngest sister was there as well, she was going to drive her home.
"Yes, honey, what is it?"
"Mother, I got the mission... the mission that my great-grandfather wanted so desperately." She stood there for a moment, processing what I had said. She then covered her mouth as tears streamed down her face.
"Oh, Ivan— I thought I would never see this happen. I don't know what to say."
"Say that you're happy that my great-grandfather will finally rest in peace."
Something was odd, she didn't seem to be that happy, the look in her eyes and her hesitation to reply. Could it be that she wasn't happy? "Mother, what's wrong? You don't seem happy."
"Oh— don't get me wrong, my dear. I— am happy— I'm just downhearted. You are probably leaving as soon as possible, and you will be away for so long—and I don't know if I will see you again." I frowned, it was odd that she would believe in such a thing.
"Mother, it's only a mission to travel back in time. I am not staying in an era I don't belong to. Of course, you will see me again. We owe this to my great-grandfather." She stroked my cheek and wiped her tears. "Of course, my dear... don't mind me... I am happy—and, when are you leaving?"
"In two days." I responded as she crocked a smile. Something's off, I feel it. Yet, if she's reluctant to speak about it, I cannot force her. "It's your destiny, my child. You were born to have this mission. I wish you the best, and do comeback to visit me whenever you can." Odd behavior, yet, I will not say more. I kissed her forehead and my sister gave me a strong hug.
"I'm happy that you got this mission, bro, congratulations, grandpa in heaven will be so proud of you."
I had two days to myself analyzing the case sitting in my office staring at my laptop. His image is not something new to me. After so many years, his music is still relevant, and yes, the rumor that destroyed his image as well. Nonetheless, through the years, there are more people who believe in his innocence. It doesn't matter anymore. However, this is something that I must do for my great-grandfather. I have to change history and save his life. I was there, lost, gazing at his beautiful face. Furthermore, I will not lie to myself, I was anxious to meet him in person.
I had to close my laptop and meet with Allison at the agency, I was time to back in time.
I deactivated my A1 robot, I was going to be away for a long period of time. Locked the door of my apartment and headed to the garage. I got into my vehicle and flew to the agency. Once at headquarters, the safety system at the door scanned my irises and allowed me in. Adrian was there waiting for me, he drew closer and patted my lips.
"Ready for your journey, tough guy?" Something was off with him as well, I noticed it since he gave me the news of my new mission. We didn't spend the two days together, in fact, we have been so busy with our work that we haven't had time for us. Nonetheless, it is nothing new in our relationship. We have been this way for so long. But now, I do notice his sadness.
"Are you okay?" I had to ask.
"Yes— why wouldn't I be okay?" He perceived that I noticed that something was up, and therefore he attempted to appear as if nothing were wrong.
"You seem sad." I pointed out.
"Really? No, no— it's only in your mind, babe."
"Come on, Adrian, I know you very well. What is it?" He remained reluctant to admit the issue. Perhaps, it was inappropriate to force him about something he is not willing to talk about at this moment.
"We will talk about this when you return from your mission. What matters the most, is the mission. Come, let us go to the lab.
"Are you aware of how long this mission will take?" He stopped in his tracks and glared at me. "I am aware— now come with me." We reached the lab and walked inside, I knew what was the next procedure. I was to be updated with the case as I sat on the quantum chair that connected my brain to merge with the artificial intelligence through a microchip integrated in my temples. As I was sitting, Adrian proceeded to bring down the helmet that covered my head. As I lay back, Adrian operated the quantum and I stared to merge into my other me. My AI half human, half robot, where I was able to time travel with just a command. Yes, in this era, technology was truly advanced.
After twenty-five minutes, I was done and ready to go. We walked into another room, a weapon room, where I took a suitcase with all I needed to defend myself, and of course, my motorcycle.
"You have to be cautious with this technology, Ivan. The singer and no one in that era must not see this technology." I eyed him, somehow annoyed. Of course, I know this. "Babe, trust me, I know, yet, I'm traveling by motorcycle."
"No way, you cannot travel to the past with a 2100 model. You are traveling with this other."
I fallowed him to the garage, and he guided me to a Harley-Davidson 2000 Electra-the classic with a passenger seat. I dropped my jaw, it was a beauty, silver and red.
"It's gorgeous! But— how the heck you drive this machine?" He smirked and replied, "come on, babe, let us go for a ride." Nonetheless, I drove as he guided me. We went around the block and came back. I had to leave as soon as possible as he indicated; therefore, we went back inside, and he brought me my suitcase, and placed it on the back of the motorcycle. He kissed my cheek and said.
"Alright— now set your time to November 12, 1991, 1200, Rodeo Dr. Studio City, California. Once you're there, report yourself to me." He kissed me on the cheek and once again, I felt odd, I don't know what was happening to me, perhaps it was the emotion of going back in time to find Michael. This feeling was above everything.
"Take care, darling." He voiced, and I touched my right temple, as I did, I commanded the time and year, once I did, I touched my quantum pendant, a necklace I carry on my neck. Soon, a blue light started circling over my body and the motorcycle until it covered me, afterward I disappeared. After a minute, I opened my eyes to find myself in front of an apartment building. I glanced to my right and to my left and I also glanced at my wrist to touched my bracelet and my holographic cellphone appeared over my skin. In my cell phone the date appeared, it read, November 12, 1991. I dialed Adrian, and he responded right away.
"I am in." I voiced.
"Alright, is everything okay? You appeared at the right place and right time?"
"I did."
"Okay, tough guy; now get yourself a place to stay for the night. There's a fancy hotel building right across the apartment building where the singer resides. You have to find a way to enter the singer's life as soon as possible. I have to leave you, I will get back to you." I ended the call and glanced at my surroundings just to make sure that I wasn't seen. The coast was clear, and then I glanced at my bracelet to check the time, it read 11-12-1991, 2:00 am. At this hour, there wasn't any traffic nor any people out on the streets.
I glanced towards the apartment building where the singer resided, how the heck I was to enter his life? I took a deep breath and glanced to my left. The hotel Adrian mentioned was there; therefore, I crossed the street to go into the hotel parking lot to get a room. I have to change clothes, I can't walk around the city with this type of clothing, it would bring a lot of attention to the people around me. Nonetheless, I did not bring anything with me but what I have on, my suitcase and my motorcycle. One on there, I decided to use the valet parking. As I drove to the front of the hotel, a valet man assisted me. He eyed me from head to toes, I know I was weird looking for this era. Just by the way, I was dressed, long leather jacket with silver buttons and zippers, black mate pants with a silver belt, a silver shirt. Blonde with a comb over hairstyle, green eyes, and with a mean expression.
I gabbed my belongings and the man took my motorcycle. I knew that in this era I would have to carry cash with me all the time. Therefore, I took a twenty dollar bill from my jacket and tipped the guy. Furthermore, I carried a small man bag where I carried my personal stuff and money and credit cards. In my era, we don't use change, bills nor credit cards. I just scan my wrist and everything is paid that way, money is filthy.
I entered the lobby and walked to the front registry and asked for a room. The lady asked me for my information and I opened my man bag to pull my false identification. She was a bit flirty as she asked if I was a model. I replied with the truth, saying that I wasn't. I have given her a formal identification because I, couldn't give away my true identity to anyone. She handed me a key and I took it, I didn't know what to do. I suppose it have to open the door of my room. In my era, we don't use keys, we use a code. But anyway, I'm in the early nineties. The key had a room number as she said, "eight floor to your right."
"Thank you, I said and before leaving, I asked her a question. "Hey— I'm- do you know where to find a nice store to buy men's clothing?"
"Oh, of course— just a block away, you will find a nice store. This is a good neighborhood, Michael Jackson lives in the building just across the street. People say that they have seen him take a walk around the building at very late hours of the night." Wow, that's interesting. I thought. I graded keys and headed to the elevator. Once in the room, I glanced through the window and drew closer to appreciate the city lights. I stood there for a moment, inhaling the night air when suddenly, I noticed a slim figure through the night. Someone was taking a walk this late. My heart raised, could it be that what the lady said was true? I will not let this chance go, I have to see it for myself; therefore, I got ready to leave the room. I never leave without my weapons; therefore, I loaded up and headed to the street.
My heart pounded uncontrollably, I was anxious to find myself in front of what it has always been my obsession. It is odd to feel this way over a man who's been dead for 90 years. On the other hand, he was no ordinary man, he was the biggest entertainer, the most successful that's ever been and the most beautiful. Chill, Ivan, just breathe' said to myself. I closed the door of my room and rushed to the elevator. Once on the first floor, I reached the main entrance and rushed outside. I crossed the street and from there I caught a glimpse of his silhouette through the night. I had to hurry and catch up, at the same time, I was aware that I could be wrong, and it may not be the singer after all. As I got closer, I started to notice that slender figure, it's him, there's no doubt.
Now I have to approach him carefully without frightening him. He was wearing a black hoodie and dark blue jeans with those incomparable, yes, it is him. I was careful not to get too close this quickly, last thing I wanted was for him to freak out. While I kept trailing him at a considerable distance, I received a call from Adrian. I reduced my pace, being cautious with my conversation with Adrian.
"Ivan! Where are you presently!" I'd rather not tell him the truth that I was stalking the singer because someone told me that they have seen him. "I'm in my suite, what's going on? You seem stressed."
"I am... Ivan, something came up. I was given your great-grandfather's personal diary, in it, relates the night when someone attempted to kidnap the singer."
"What? Dammit, Adrian, you tell me this now?"
"I have just received this file, Ivan, trust me, if I had gotten this information earlier I would've let you know as soon as possible. Now listen, according to my calculations, this is the night he is going to get attacked."
"What? No— I am not going to allow this to happen!" I lowered my tone, the singer could have heard me, and so he did as he noticed my presence, and he picked up his pace. Poor thing, he must know that I am not here to hurt him.
Of course not, Ivan. You have to change this event and save him from this attempt to secure your way into his life."
"Clever move... nonetheless, I need to know what happened to Michael that night, does he get targeted by his kidnappers?
"No he does not, your great-grandfather saved him. On this night, your great-grandfather, and the singer met for the first time. His mission was to spy on him for the government; therefore, he was hired to become his bodyguard. Your mission is to get your great-grandfather out of the way... they must not and fall in love." My heart pounded with emotions, I never met him and now, I was going to see my grate-grandmother in person, and young.
"Ivan, listen to me, they must not see each other, otherwise, changing the course of time will not be possible... understand?"
"I understand, Adrian— I must go now. The singer has taken a walk this late."
"Ivan, a white van will appear, nonetheless, a motorcyclist will appear out of nowhere to try to finish the job. Be alert, soon your-grandmother will appear, do this before him."
"Got it... call you later." I ended the call and proceeded to trail the singer.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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