First day of school... what could go wrong?...

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The alarm clock rang as Furina let's out a groan before turning to off, It was her first day of school, what could go wrong?... She rolls out of bed as she looks up at the time ... 7:45 enough time for her to prepare for school she had to look amazing, she walks to the drawer as she wipes her eyes "Hmm.. THIS is the school uniform?! How boring.." she says as she takes the school uniform, "Ah! I have a idea I Furina! Well get accessories to make it look so much better!" She says proudly as she opens her wardrobe with a grin as she looks at all the gorgeous accessories, "I am such a genius these are wonderful!" She says before picking out some accessories matching her outfit as she proudly looks at herself in the mirror saying to herself "Ill do great! I look amazing... I-I can do this! It's just the first day of school nothing could possibly go wrong at all!" *she thought as she blocks out all the negative thoughts facing through her head as she checks herself out before going downstairs to head to school, not without breakfast first though!

*A few minutes later she arrived at school*

*A few girls come up to her smiling which is Kokomi Lynette and Navia as Furina nervously looks at them with a nervous laugh* "Oh! Hello!...I-im Furina! Im new to this school" she says awkwardly as Lynette looks at her raising a eye brow "Hello, I'm Lynette and this is Navia and Kokomi, it's nice to meet you" she says with a calm face as she brushes her hair away, Furina soon starts getting along with them as the school bell rings,Navia looks up with a smile as she sighs disappointedly "Perhaps we'll all meet in the cafeteria if u don't know where that is we'll help you find it Furina" Kokomi nods agreeing as she smiles "Yea! We'll help you find ur class now so let's go!"
Furina looks at them not wanting to be a bother as she says "No no no! It's alright it's alright! Just go to class I'll figure it out myself!" She replies waving her hands dismissively as she walks away leaving the girls concerned for her...

A few minutes later she walks through the school halls as she looks around like a lost puppy before bumping into someone, "OI! WATCH OUT!" He says as he pushes her angrily as she looks up shockley "W-who are you?!" She shouts "And why did u push me! I don't even know you!" , "Pfft! Like I'll tell you my name!" Scaramouche says as he kicks her when someone walks up to them.. "Hey! Stop bullying her!" Lumine shouts as she pushes him away "Pfft.. whatever losers.." he says before walking away putting his hands in his pocket. "Hey are you alright?... he was really rude to you.." Lumine says worriedly holding her hands out as Aether walks up to them "What happened?" He says as he looks down at Furina , "Ah! This is my brother I'm sorry I HADNT introduce us yet, I'm Lumine and this is Aether! We're both twins!" she says with a gentle smile as she helps Furina up, "Oh.. thank you.. And yes I'm new here.." she says hopelessly as Aether pats her back "Don't worry we'll help you find your class what's ur first class?" He says as Furina looks at the map she got "Science!" Furina says as she is starting to get comfortable "Oh yay! You have the same class as me! Let's go! Bye Aether go be with Xiao are something!" Lumine says as she grabs Furina hand running to class,
"WHY YOU LITT-" Aether says as he pouts at them "Damn her.. me and Xiao are just friends anyways!!" Aether says before walking away to class..

Enemies to lovers.... /Scararina, Scaramouche x Furina/Where stories live. Discover now