You tell Dean your pregnant

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Clutching the rim of the toilet seat, you felt the contents of your stomach empty yet again. You leaned back and sighed, your nose wrinkling at the smell of vomit. You flushed the toilet, flipping the lid down to rest your head against it. The porcelain was cool against your cheek, and it was a welcome relief from the constant nausea you felt.

The stale taste in your mouth was a familiar one, as you had spent the mornings of the past week in this bathroom, heaving up the contents of your stomach. You knew that you should tell Dean about it, but you didn't know how to. You had no clue as to how he'd react. Would he even want a baby? So you had decided to keep your vomit sessions secret, until you worked out the best way to tell him.

Just as you were getting up to wash your mouth out, you heard the door open behind you. Turning around, you found Dean standing in the doorway. "You okay?" he asked, coming over to rub your back gently as you gave your teeth a brush.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you lied, having spat out the toothpaste and water. "Probably just something I ate." You were avoiding his eyes, and Dean knew it. He took hold of your chin, turning your face to look at him.

"Just like yesterday morning?" he asked. "And the morning before? And the morning before that?" You squirmed out of his grip, trying not to look guilty. He was eyeing you closely, and you knew that he knew you were hiding something. He knew you better than anyone else, and you had been stupid to think you could hide this from him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Another lie, and is one came out tasting worse than the vomit. Maybe now was the time to tell him, just get it over with. Like ripping off a plaster.
"Don't lie to me," he said quietly. "I know that you've been sick the past few mornings, but I didn't say anything because you didn't. But it's gone on for too long, and I want to know what's wrong."
You took a deep breath, taking a quick glance up at his eyes. Those apple green orbs held so much love for you, trusted you so deeply. You could do this. You could tell Dean. He loved you, and he'd love the baby. He would.

"Last week," you began, "when you and Sam were on a hunt, I went to the doctor because I wasn't feeling so well. And...Dean, I'm pregnant." You held your breath, waiting to see his reaction. He was still for a moment, and you worried that it was too soon, that he would freak out and leave you, but then his face split into a huge grin, and he wrapped you in his arms.
"We're having a baby?" he exclaimed. He pulled away from you, running his gaze down your figure before letting his eyes rest on your stomach, where your baby was. There was so much wonder in his expression, and you wished you had told him earlier. He was filled with a joy that you'd never seen in him before.

"Yes, Dean," you laughed, delighted by his reaction. "I just didn't know how to tell you. I didn't know how you'd react." He reluctantly dragged his gaze away from your stomach so that he could meet your eyes. He must've sensed that you'd harboured some uncertainty about the situation, because he murmured, "Y/N Y/L/N, you make me the happiest man on Earth."

//// hope you enjoyed and I hope I did it justice


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