Chapter 16: exploring the unknown

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The next day they head up the river. Liram walks up to the front side of the boat as they enter the forest.

This place definitely feels different.

A shiver makes its way down Kalea's spine.

I agree, dark but not entirely evil... more like the forest is on guard.

Clay places his hand on his weapon just to be prepared.

If anybody sees anything, call it out.

Meanwhile Celis makes her way to Cassidy.

Do you sense it too?

I do, feels a bit familiar but I can't quite place it.

Korry says that my father's corruption might have spread all the way here.

Could be, what do you think Danir?

Danir picks a leaf from a tree branch that's hanging over the ship and looks at it closely.

The flora looks like it's going through the same degradation we saw when we were in Celis's homeland, but this is still in an earlier stage.

A while later they arrive at a fork in the river, they decide to go left because that's the general direction of where they're trying to go.

Further down that path they encounter a wall of thick thorned branches that are blocking the river.

Clay ignites his weapon and hits the brambles. His swing makes solid contact, but doesn't even leave a dent.

That was... unexpected. Cassidy, could you give it a try?

Cassidy fires a stream of light at the wall of bramble, but instead of tearing it apart it seems to absorb the energy.

I'm at a loss, any ideas Danir?

Danir lets out a deep sigh.

Looks to me like the energy you fired at it somehow made it healthier, I have no idea how that's possible. Finding the cause or origin of these brambles seems like the only option we have to make our way forward.

Seems like we have no other choice, let's go back to the fork and see where the other path leads.

They head down the other branch of the river and after a short while they arrive at a lake with a massive tree in the middle.

The tree and its roots are almost half the size of Radiance. Its branches reach far, the foliage is so thick that it blocks the sun and forms a roof above the lake. It's not dark, however. On the contrary, some leaves in the canopy glow brightly green, making it look as if they're under a sky full of stars.

Celis looks up in wonder.

Wow... this place is beautiful. It looks healthy compared to the rest of the forest, right Danir?

That's an understatement, are we going to investigate the tree? It's very likely to be the source of the blockade we ran into earlier.

Danir has barely finished his sentence when suddenly hooded figures drop down from the canopy having tied vines round their waist to lower themselves. They're surrounded in the blink of an eye and have bows aimed at them from every direction.

Everybody assumes battle formations but Clay stops them.

Wait, everybody calm down! Please don't attack us, we come in peace.

A slender young man with long blonde hair and green eyes steps forward.

Who are you and why are you here?

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