Chapter Seventeen

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Hunter sat down beside Artificer atop No Significant Harassment's superstructure, looking up at the stars in the night sky. They were so high up that it never rained here and they could stay out all night. Neither of them felt awkward holding hands anymore and they did so, Hunter leaning her head on Artificer's shoulder as the cold breeze ruffled her fur. She knew that this was the perfect chance to tell her. "Arti, I wanna tell you something." She turned to her, a grin on Artificer's face as she chuckled slightly. "What?" "Oh, nothing. Just wondering how much longer it will be until we talk about our feelings." Hunter immediately became flustered as Artificer continued to laugh, finding how confused she looked absolutely adorable.

It took several minutes for her to even be able to form a complete sentence with how much she was stuttering, but she eventually managed it. "How did you know?! I thought you were out finding food!" Artificer shrugged, trying to stay calm despite the fact that her face was quickly growing red as well. "I had gotten back a while before and I was trying to take a nap since I hadn't slept well that night. That's when I overheard you two talking and realised that we both have feelings for each other. So..." Hunter couldn't believe what she was hearing. Never would she have thought that her earlier conversation with No Significant Harassment would lead to this. "So, should we kiss now?" She asked half jokingly, but Artificer leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. It was warm and soft but also playful, causing Hunter to once again blush more than she ever had before. They looked at each other in shock for a moment, neither of them really believing what had just happened. There was a moment of awkwardness in which Artificer began to apologise for being so sudden, but she was cut off when Hunter kissed her back. She almost fell backwards in surprise but found that Hunter's arm was wrapped around her back, keeping Artificer in her embrace. It was almost too much for her grief stricken heart to handle. Almost.

Seeing how overwhelmed she was feeling, Hunter stopped kissing her and loosened her hug slightly so that their faces were no longer touching. "Is this too much for you? We can stop if you want, whatever you're comfortable with." Artificer shook her head, wanting nothing more than to be pulled back into the warm embrace. "It's a lot, but in a good way." She smiled at Artificer before they began to kiss once again, not even feeling the cold of the night due to each other's warm hugs. It was the first time Hunter had ever been kissed before and she found herself rather enjoying it, never wanting the nonstop affection to end.

I have done it. After all the buildup they have finally kissed. I can just end the fic here but I need to finish the plot. Also, this was my first time ever writing a first kiss scene and it was actually kinda difficult for some reason. Anyway, the cover art for this chapter is once again not by me. I hope you enjoyed this overly fluffy chapter!

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