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The Tragedy Of Riff Lorton

Tony entered the place and the Jets took notice and then things were about to begin. Tony was trying to put a stop to this but nobody was willing to relent from this. It was not going to be simple to try to put a stop to this and Tony immediately knew that but he was determined. Because there's no way this ends good for anyone. After being pulled away and held back by the Jets at Riff's order after they grabbed a hold of him,he fought with all his might to get free but he knew it was pointless.  

He hasn't been in command of the Jets ever since he went upstate for a year and then came back and that automatically made Riff the leader of the Jets so they were more than likely going to listen to Riff now instead of their former leader. He watches in horror as both gang leaders (Jets:Riff Sharks:Bernardo) got switchblades and began to go at it and that only made Tony struggle harder to break free. He finally got free and ran forward towards his best friend and grabbed him,"Ok. That's enough." Riff struggled and said,"Tony. Tony. Tony. Let go! Let go!" Tony refused to let him go. Riff spun himself out of Tony's arms and without even knowing it,he impaled himself on Bernardo's switchblade. He turned to Tony who caught him as he fell to the ground,in the arms of his best friend,his brother from another mother. He slipped away. Tony held him until Riff took his last breath and passed on. 

Keep Me In Your Memory (Riff Lorton and Tony Wyzek-centric)Where stories live. Discover now