8- Rum and Runs.

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Willow's Pov

It is almost impossible not to squeeze my eyes as the blinding lighting glowers our way. so many paparazzi. so many people. I can't do this. The noose around my neck seems to tighten as I feel my hands get clammy. shit. this is bad. no. not he- I feel a warm and large hand engulf my one and my mind goes blank. Snapping my head to the right, I gaze at my husband whose face is blank like always while my insides jump at the skin contact. he is doing this for the show. not for your anxiety, stop expecting too much. The small twinge of hope flickers and die. 

walking past the security guard who was checking the invitation cards yet let us in without a word, we enter the lavish and grand hall. people dressed in expensive dresses scattered all around the hall, holding flutes in one hand as they pass potentially fake smiles and laughs to each other. 

I stiffen when I feel hot breath on the side of my neck, from my peripheral vision I see Nico leaning down, his grip tightening over my hand and his soft lips graze the shell of my ear slightly, murmuring, "stay close."

Swallowing harshly and ignoring the tightness in my chest, I nod, wordlessly. A high-pitched squeal from behind breaks my trance, A woman- in her late forties perhaps- clad in a red bodice, engulfs Nico into an embrace, I feel his hand loosen around mine and, in a flash, he is pushing her off of him. "Amor, how many times should I tell you Nick does not likes to be touched." a man, slightly older looking than the woman, smiles at her and slings an arm around her waist.  despite his hand's loose grip over mine, before I know, I'm snatching my hand gently and discreetly away from his. 

From my side vison, I see him clench his jaw and stuff his hands into the pockets of his slacks. 

Nico does not like to be touched.
then why is he so touchy with me?
questions swarm my mind and I internally shake my head with a flushed face.

"Ciao, al mio nipote preferito. Come sta andando, Nick?" The man grins at Nico. My husband barely nods at him, "Bene." The woman squeals again, now noticing me and just like before, she pulls me into a hug too, "oh, you must be the donna! our nick's wife." I clear my throat, pulling away gently, "yes. I am willo-" -"oh hush, sweetie! everyone practically knows you." she coos. 

"my, my. you are even more beautiful in person." the kind woman smiles brightly. I feel heat singe my cheeks and i pass a small hesitant yet pure smile. "Oh, Katrina, leave the poor women alone." the man brings her back to his side and passes a smile at me. "I am Mike. your husband's uncle." 

"Nice to meet you both." I say meekly. I see Mike frown a little. dragging his eyes back at Nico. The seem to have a silent conversation through eyes, nodding. Nico turns to me, pressing a hand against the small of my back and leaning down to my height, "stay with aunt. I will be back soon." I nod, but instantly freeze when I feel a small kiss getting pressed against my right temple. the touch is gone as he walks off with his uncle, leaving my heart thundering in my chest and my face red. 

My eyes drift back to Kathrina, her eyes soft as she gushes about our 'young love'. young love my ass. she pulls me towards the bar and we both take place on the stools. "Hey, bartender guy!" She hollers, catching the attention of few guests. the unwanted attention makes me squirm back on the stool as i curse under my breath. A man with bright blue eyes nods towards us, "hey kat." 

my eyebrows shoot up in amusement and shock. "Hola, logan." she grins at him.  

"You both know each other?" I question bewilderment. 

Katrina bobs her head in yes, "He was our business prof's assistant during collage days and my friend too."


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