Peeta (does)n't wanna marry Katniss.

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He shouldn't have done that, gone in like some knight in shining armour and punched Marvel. Katniss has more than proved that she is fully capable of dealing with assholes all by herself.

Peeta just couldn't take it, he had been waiting for Katniss all evening, knowing that he couldn't leave her completely alone with Marvel, so he waited around the hall and in the corridor outside of the dancefloor, quietly watching them until he knew Katniss wanted to come to bed. So when he saw what had happened between the two, with Marvel's disgusting hands on her body. He snapped.

Katniss sat up on the bed, pulling up the strap of her dress as she examined Peeta, who was kicking off his shoes and trying to hang up his suit jacket carefully so that it wouldn't be creased for the wedding in the morning.

Peeta felt her stare as he tried to focus on the task at hand, but only after a few moments, he caved and stared back at her, wondering what she could want from him.

"Yes?" Peeta asked, continuing to unbutton his waistcoat, also wanting it to stay pressed. Katniss shrugged her shoulders and cocked her head to the side.

"If I asked you something, would you answer me?" she slurred, clearly continuing some train of thought that had been running in her drunken mind.

Peeta turned away from her once more, making his way over to the closet to retrieve his nightclothes.

"Probably, I mean, it depends on the question," Peeta replied honestly, turning back round to face her, his old shorts and tank top in his arms, ready for him to change out of his stiff wedding attire.

"Your favourite colour is orange," Katniss stated, leaning back on her arms and shaking her braid from her shoulder to her back.

"And yours is green, how is this relevant?" Peeta asked, shifting from foot to foot, hating that he had no clue where Katniss was taking them with this conversation.

"We know stuff about each other Peeta, we tell each other everything," Katniss began, suddenly looking very tired, "we tell each other everything , so why can't I—"

She stopped, scrunching up her face and waving her hand dismissively, "nevermind, I'm drunk," Katniss dismissed, lying back down on the bed, covering her face with her hands.

Peeta felt heavy as stone as he dragged himself to the bathroom to change. He wanted more than anything to know what Katniss had meant by that, he wanted to be able to read every thought that was flashing within that pretty head of hers.

He tried to focus on the task at hand, which was getting Katniss to bed. So he filled up a cup with water and headed back into the bedroom to find Katniss, half-dressed with one of Peeta's wrestling shirts on. However, she hadn't managed to get her dress off completely as it was still hanging on her hips.

Peeta smiled to himself as he put the glass down and shook Katniss gently, rousing her from her nap.

"Trust me love, you do not want to sleep in this dress," Peeta said, watching as Katniss' eyes opened and a look of unhappiness about being woken flashed on her face.

"Can't find my PJ's," Katniss slurred, rubbing her eyes and looking very panda-esque as she destroyed Cinna's cat-eye he had drawn on earlier.

"I'll find them, one sec," Peeta offered, digging around Katniss' bag to retrieve her pyjama bottoms. As he was doing so, the flash of a blue box caught his attention. Now, Peeta did not want to snoop, but he couldn't help himself as he lifted the clothes that covered the box to read the label.

It was a box of condoms.

Peeta's heart stopped, dropped and rolled. Katniss planned on having sex? With who?

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