At Home..

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The sun reflects from outside to my window, feeling it shine on my closed eyes as i groaned slowly waking up as i sat up rubbing my eyes as i stretch. "aww man.." i groan as i then got up from my bed. I walked over to my restroom as i washed my face and brushed my teeth then exiting the restroom walking up to my closet, i open the closet doors as i then picked out a comfy outfit.
(You may say what outfit you will wear, p.s it's also cold cuz yk-)

I then picked out my outfit, throwing them on my bed as i then changed into them. I then walked up to my nightstand were my phone is. I grabbed my phone and seeing no notifications. I was pretty used to it since I didn't really bothered anyone to be their friend or anything. I decided to check my calendar to make sure i didn't have anything coming up this week.. checked and nothing. Perfect.. . I then walked up to my mirror near my door as i saw my boobs a bit larger and my ass a bit more.. of ass-

"Some progress i guess.." i say to myself then walking out my room to the kitchen thinking to eat or not. I was hungry so I made myself some breakfast. (pancakes, waffles, cereal..)

After i finished eating breakfast, i decided to take one last sip of my drink then walking to my rack with my jacket and bags. I grabbed on my comfy jacket as i zipped up the zipper (unless u want a sweater) I looked back at my phone seeing the time as it was 2:37 .. "I think I should go before it's late" i then stuffed my phone on my back pocket as i grabbed my wallet from one of my purses since i wasn't in the mood to have one of my bags stolen by someone in the streets.. I then grabbed my car keys.


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I then walked out my house as i locked the door behind me walking up to my car, i unlocked it and entering my car. I started the car and drove to my local Victoria's Secret..


I parked my car and had parked close to the store, i got out my car and locked the car. When I had gotten off the car i had smelled cigarettes and flavored vapes.. yuck.. (?) I then walked in Victoria's Secret and was greeted by a beautiful employee

"Hello, welcome to Victoria's Secret! Anything you need help with today?" She sounded so nice and I had read her tag name 'Bebe' Nice name I guess..?

"Oh uh no but thank you!.." i say awkwardly as she nodded walking back to fold bras and underwear's.. I wonder why I thought she looked pretty to work here but maybe it's for money.. i would work here too if I wanted to. I then walked to one of the aisle, looking at the options they have as i then walked to another aisle.

After some time picking and choosing what I wanted, in total i had chosen 6 bra's, 4 underwear's, 3 perfumes, and 4 lotion bottles.. "jeez so much money.." i say sounding exhausted and shocked about how much i may spend on everything-
I then walked to the cashier and bought pretty much everything i had chosen out. After I had paid the employee had thanked me for coming and to drive safe home.

Leaving the store, i still smelled the cigarettes and flavored vapes, mostly cotton candy??
'wtf-' i said to myself in my head. I had pulled out my phone seeing the time. 6:18. 'DAM WHAT!?' I yelled in my head as i made a shocking expression.. I then brushed it off and decided to walk to the Ice cream store that was 4 blocks away.

Walking to the Ice cream place i felt like i was being watched and being followed. My curious self looked behind multiple times but seeing nothing just homeless people on the ground. But one of them caught my eye. A boy in a orange parka, he looked about my age and my height maybe 3-5 inches taller with blond hair pocking out. I ignored him even if he was the one who had gotten my attention the most.. Why? Well because he looked around my age, i should have probably risked to ask if he needed money but I just kept walking.

Still the feeling of being starred down and being watched, i had gotten to the door of the Ice cream place. I entered quickly and the two feeling had disappeared like if it had never happened. "Finally.." i said under my breath as i looked at the many flavors they had. After some looking and tasting, i had then chosen 2 scoops of (f/f) and paid. I didn't want to leave yet, what if I got the feeling of being followed and watched again?.. but I did have to go, it was already 7:42..

I then decided to just leave at 7:50. After 8 minutes had passed, i got up and left. I still had ice cream left that would rest me the drive home. As i gotten out immediately had the same two feelings as i felt myself panicking, heart racing and keeping grip of my ice cream and speed walked to my car. Just then i looked behind me seeing the guy in an orange parka. Him again but why?..

"Hey what do you want!?" I yell out, i didn't mean to but it had slipped out..
"Oh shit-" he ran off before even finishing his sentence. And just like that i just turned my whole body around watching him run off like a coward he might be. Has he been waiting out there the whole time?.. I wanted to follow him to beat the shit out of him because he had been giving me those feelings. (NOT LIKE THAT LMAO)

If I did maybe he had backup, maybe he planned on stealing from me or something that could have harmed me, who knows?.. i turned around to the direction of my car and started walking there as the same 2 feeling left.. 'did he finally leave?' i thanked to myself again. After some walking i then got closer to my car. I unlocked my car and had entered my car putting my bag on the passengers seat.

I drove home but still thought about the encounter of the boy.. weird but I guess he does that to other girls. 'The poor girls..' maybe he does do it to other girls and if he does, pray for those poor girls (😭🙏)


well I did at least finish my Ice cream before heading home, after a few minutes i had arrived home. Parked my car, grabbing my bag and making sure i locked my car. Still no same 2 feelings, good. I entered my home and had locked my door behind me.

Hanged my jacket (or sweater) on the rack and walked upstairs to my room closing the door behind. I threw the bag on my bed and walked to my nightstand and placed my phone to charge not checking since I knew I wouldn't even get any notifications, only from tt or insta.. (yk apps like that)

After putting my phone to charge i walked to my restroom and had washed my face again but dried off some water. I walked to my closet again and picked out pajamas, underwear, and some socks. (bra too is u sleep with it on). I then walked to the restroom again and stacked them.. pants,shirt,(bra), underwear, and socks. (THATS HOW I STACK THEM😭) Stacking them nicely, i had turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up a bit..

Before I took off my clothes I then had the same 2 feelings from earlier "WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yell out as i covered my mouth and left the restroom looking around my room.. nothing. I then noticed my window was open.. "Oh no, no, no.. this shit better not be happening right fucking now.." i just took a deep breath and walked up to the window.

I peeked my head out but no one or anything was there, just my tree.. it was cold too. Luckily I'm taking a hot shower, i was very concerned on why my window was open, "I don't know who or what but leave me the fuck alone bitch!!" I yell out the window trying to warn whoever or whatever it was causing these feelings. Then it hit me.

The guy in a orange parka..

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