Killstrike Franchise - Fictional Video Game (Fake Wikipedia)

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Killstrike is a series of games, developed by Vibenz Studios, and former publisher Pretty Games. And is an iconic series for Action-adventure gaming genre. Killstrike (2006) Killstrike: Reborn (2013)Killstrike: Repay & Kill (2021)(Killstrike: Repay & Kill Online)The developers went with this map and have stuck with this iconic map for years since the first game released. Getting bigger and more reached by the 3rd installment. 

Killstrike (2006)


Killstrike (2006) is set in a fictionalized version of New York City, recalled New Yankton

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Killstrike (2006) is set in a fictionalized version of New York City, recalled New Yankton. The player follows the story of mid 20s hacker Vince Miller. In an underground indie corpration called KMD. Short for Kill Me Dead. The developers who were working on the design for Vince Miller, said "We wanted him to match an almost "hipster assasin" style in a way. Almost like if a hipster were to dress as an assasin" Although in later games, Vince's appearance would be altered to a more grown and mature look, with a beard and scars on his body, to match more of an "Experienced Character" look.When the player would open the game, they would be faced with a stylized UI, in the style of a hacker. With the text to be fanned as pretend coding and sometimes would glitch intentionally. This is the first look at the 2006's Killstrike main menu. This was originally going to be set as the main menu, until change-ups with concept art and plot changes were set in stone by March, 2005. But devolopers and designers would later go with this design in later production, during April, 2005 Killstrike: Reborn (2013) GameplayPlaying the character Vince Miller in a first person and third-person view is a start for the game, with the genre Action-Adventure, the game brings action and gorey deaths into play. With the ability to takedown gangs and groups around the city, and with a hacking ability, it brings a stylized combat system to the game. (PS4 SCREENSHOT OF Killstrike: Reborn (2013) This screenshot is taken in the mission "Validated Response" a mission where Vince is forced to hold his own KMD members hostage for a distraction against a mob boss, Terres Vincent. Vincent later kills one of the KMD members, Jackson, Vince is forced to go on a rampage and would later lead the player to use force with a gattling gun in the mission "Price is payed", making the player kill about 50 enemies while taking cover. Vince Miller & Family Name: Vince MillerAge: 52 (Age 51 as of the latest game, Killstrike: Repay & Kill) Born: 1970, June 29th Height: 5'10Vince Miller was born in the far reaches of America, and is the son to Darla Tay and Nathan Miller. We learn abit about Vince's parents in the second game, Killstrike: Reborn, when Vince brings up that his parents were doing inside jobs in the late 70s and 80s, when he was a child. His father was also one to not be around, since him getting himself arrested a lot was the norm for Vince as a child in the 70s and 80s. Until his father died of heart desease in 1998, which they would show Vince going to his funeral in a side mission in the first game, Killstrike (2006) His parents playing the role as the "Distant but loving parents", and a picture of them can be noticed sitting framed on his desk in his house and also safehouse in the country side of New Yankton.Framed picture of Vince's Parents - Darla Tay and Nathan Miller (Ps3 Screenshot Killstrike (2006) Vince in the first game, Killstrike (2006) Set in 1996 Age 26Vince in the second game, Killstrike: Reborn (2013) Set in 2008Age 38 Vince in the third game, Killstrike: Repay & Kill (2021) Set in 2021Age 51Vince is married to Rebecca, who is heard and saw in the first mission of the 2021 game. And Vince's daughter, Jen Miller is now grown up. And is now 16 in the game, who was born in 2005 May, 6th. And was sighted in the first game as a 3 year old toddler. Jen Miller was also in the 2016, expanded DLC pack "Killstrike: Daughter", is a 1 hour playthrough where we get to view the world as Vince's daughter. Getting to know more about Vince and Rebecca's relationship. Which seems that Vince is distant towards Jen, and always has been. But she knows deep down, that he would do anything for her. As a father to a daughter. Rebecca Miller (Formerly Rebecca Caulfield) Age 46 as of Killstrike: Repay & KillVoiced by Taylor Jean Jen Miller Age 16 as of Killstrike: Repay & Kill Voiced By Rose Swella All difficulties for Killstrike (2006)Easy-Play - AI is better listened, better play performance and easy for a beginner. Or if the user just wants to play the game.Enchanced-Play - For players who like a challenge. AI is 40% smarter, and firearm is more heavy.Expert - For players who like a challenge. The game get's harder in play style and difficulty as you progress through the story and game.All difficulties for Killstrike: Reborn (2013)Neutral - User friendly, for beginners or just to play in general.Expert - For players who like a challenge.All difficulties for Killstrike: Repay & Kill (2021)Neutral - User friendly, for beginners or just to play in general.Expert - For players who like a challenge.Development Development for Killstrike (2006) began in 2004, only starting with CEO and developer of Vibenz studio (Tristen Dook), then gradually formed up about an office of 200+ workers. All working on the game by 2005. What makes Killstrike the outstanding game franchise it is, is one of many main things. The engine. Named Vibenz Advanced Game Engine, "VAGE". Popuarly known by many fans and companies related. By 2005 April, a crew of more than 500 people developed VAGE in under 7 months. And was advanced for it's time, but the modern VAGE is absolutely outstanding in today's technology. By 2006 (3 Months before the game's release), Vibenz wanted to push the game's graphics of that time to it's peak. Which futhermore added to the game's budget, placing the estimated count at around 5 - 10 Million dollars in budget. Which would make it one of the biggest and most expensive games to develop of that time. By the summer of 2005, the studio already had plans to orginally base the game after the city Chicago, but then later on in 2004 by October, modelling it after the city of New York. They would use a method of capturing famous locations from New York by pictures. Then blending the city into one another, making it the fictional city of New Yankton. Widely known by fans. In very early tests and previews of the game, Vince Miller was orginally going to have a second protaginist by his side. It was a female hacker, her name was going to be Darley Courts. But was cut in later production due to the tech and software being unable to demand that kind of source. Early models of her are reminiscent of Claress from the mission in the game "Yet To Be Killed", helping Vince out himself. Claress (Voiced by Angel Ort) being a female hacker, alongside Vince. The original name for Killstrike was a good bit different to the household name we know and love today. "The original name we came up with was "Shoot To Kill", glad we didn't go with that though since I think Killstrike is short and sweet." Said Killstrike original designer Zack Morjie In 2004, auditions were made by 5 different actors to play Vince Miller, the protraginist. All actors were, Mark Lee, Kevin Davidson, Andy Tye, Ryan Gosling and Gary Smittel. After a process of picking and options, the best pick was Mark Lee, but the studio was orginally going to go with Ryan Gosling, since he had the "look" and the "voice for it". Although, Ryan Gosling does play a cameo role in a side mission, playing the role of a southern Hunter. But Mark Lee was picked because he "suited the role" and was the best option respectively. The soundtrack for the game was composed by Ray Motion Music Studios, and added to the futher game's budget, making the game the most expensive game made of that year. In 2005, Vibenz held back the idea for a radio station in the video game over it's competitor at it's time, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Vibenz thought the idea for a radio station, with additional comedic radio stations was a bit of a rip-off and a "cop-out". But a radio station was later added in Killstrike: Reborn (2013), with over 400+ Tracks across 18 stations to pick from, with singer-songwriter Kid Cudi being added into some tracks, alongside other artists like Rihanna, Eminem, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, The Weeknd and more. Mark Lee, voice actor of Vince Miller (2010)Mark Lee with added-on fake facial features for an older Vince. (White dots for motion tracking of the face, to help the older look)Mark Lee's facial features were redesigned for his role of 51 Year Old Vince Miller in Killstrike: Repay & Kill, reprising his role as Miller. To give off a more "Jaded Look" and "Aged Look". (2021) Release Killstrike (2006) released on May 25th, 2006. To the Ps2 and newly modern console of that time Xbox 360. And was later added on to be Ps3's most popular game to the store. Killstrike (2006) was added to Ps4 and PC as a remaster on January 15th, 2014. And was awarded in 2015 as "The Best Remaster Of All Time". By release to the Ps2 and later Ps3, the game was an instant hit in stores. And by December of 2006, the game sold 16 Million copies, by 2008, 25 Million Copies sold and by 2020, the game sold 78+ Million copies, with 2 million copies sold in the last few years. Killstrike (2006) was a hit of it's time. And was unique in many ways. The game introduced a lot of new options and mechanics for the gaming industry, Vibenz Studio got very popular after the release. The studio's Net Worth was up to 80 Million dollars by 2007 July, many companies offering to associate themselves with the company. Even some companies offering millions to buy them. Which CEO Tristen Dook, would reportedly all turn down the offers in 2007. The game also was remastered for the Xbox Series X/S on June 15th, 2022 The release of Killstrike (2006) was a widely-known hit, many crowding stores inside and out and leaving some stores out of stock for the game. A shipment was made by Vibenz Studios themselves, worldwide, and selling out almost instantly. By 2009, the game was getting remasters and online videos being made about it. Spreading the game to be a flagship video game by 2011, Ps3 having their very own Killstrike Edition Playstation 3, selling out. The voice actor of Vince Miller (Mark Lee) was offered many roles and was at last minute, added as a cameo role in the popular known action-adventure video game, Grand Theft Auto IV in late 2007 in late production. Playing the role as "Damico", a serial bank robber, infamous for his runs in Liberty City. Landing other popular roles that he's known for in many mainstream games, right after Killstrike (2006) Roles such as:Hendricks - Mirror's Edge (2008)Damico - Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)Terry Bill - Red Dead Redemption (2010)Azins - Saints Row: The Third (2011)(Cameo Role) Jake Harrison - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (2011)Dt. Peterson - L.A. Noire (2011)D-O - Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013)All missions in order - Killstrike (2006) 8 Missions Vince Miller (Prologue)To be killed N.O.TYet to be killedWhere to be killedUse ForceBurning InsideHell Into Heaven (Finale) All missions in order - Killstrike: Reborn (2013) 8 MissionsDuct or Taped (Prologue)Inevitable Death Sassy Traits InterludeMake A WayValidated ResponseHintFYI Either Die (Finale)All missions in order - Killstrike: Repay & Kill (2021)Finally Back (Prologue)Took You LongMake It PayI LAUGHLearn To DieKMD FOREVERKill Me To LiveGoneThe Car (Interlude) Blow Them Up (Finale)Pretty Games SituationPretty Games was the former publisher to Vibenz Studios releases. Along with Vibenz game in 2015, "Grade Shooter (2015)" There was a dispute between both CEOs of Vibenz and Pretty Games, Carl Dacon and Tristen Dook, when a financial problem would come along in late 2014, when Dacon would accuse Dook of not paying workers full-time pay, which would be proven false.Dacon would take this to court, eventually gatherig his stuff and losing. The lawsuit was held for 4 days until evidence was brought up of Tristen Dook's documents showing his employees of all Vibenz Studios' offices being payed equally and all salary was payed due months. Fans would express their annoyance with Pretty Games' CEO Carl Dacon when bringing up his other accusations that were towards Naughty Dog's CEO Evan Wells, of Wells "attacking" Dacon at his home in California in 2008. Which would also be proven false, when press release statment from Wells would come out, him stating "I haven't even ever met Dacon, he seemed cool, but after what happened this week, yeah..uh..stay away from me, dude." said Even WellsPretty Games became Vibenz publisher and signed their name while also associating themselves with the Studio in 2010. Which some of the crew at Pretty Games would sign themsevles to Vibenz to work on the development of small short-term game "Killstrike: Miller's Past" in 2010, working on that for about a year. (Killstrike: Miller's Past, is closure about Vince's childhood. Playing a short 1 hour playthrough of a kid version of Vince Miller. Set in 1980. Meeting the parent's of Miller.) Pretty Games would then resign on April 14th, 2015 from Vibenz Studios, due to the lawsuits at the time. Vibenz Studios were not only forced to become their own publisher but actually reportedly wanted to anyway, years prior. Executive director Vance Heather stated in 2016 "Yeah, even with the situation that happened last year..there's a part of us in the team that didn't really mind it. Since we kind of wanted to go our own way in recent years, and let Vibenz be more independent" Said HeatherCarl Dacon then apologized in July of 2017, 2 years after the incident. Fans were not happy about this, saying "he took way too long for the apology" or stating that "If he was sorry and wasn't all about money, he would of apologized 2 YEARS AGO" said many fans. Dacon then asked Vibenz to rejoin as a publisher, but they didn't respond and left him on ghost-mode. And they probably won't ever get a publisher for the coming years again, since as Vance Heather said, "We wanted to go our own way" and "Be more independent" Pretty Games was the publisher for Vibenz for 5 years. 2010 - 2015. Before Pretty Games, Vibenz were already their own publishers, then once again became their own publishers after the lawsuit in 2015. Killstrike: Reborn (2013)Going back to New Yankton the players feel an upgraded experience from the first game, new graphics, improved physics, better AI, improved hacking system and even more crazy weapons to craftVince having a more jaded and matured look, the game is set twelve years after the first game, now set in 2008, the hacker now has a family to settle down with, unfortunately, Vince is met with a call, leading him into one last mission, crazy enough, it won't be his last. Screenshot taken from the E3 Trailer in December of 2012The E3 Showcase trailer, showed Vince, now having more of an older look and jaded. He walks away in the trailer down an alley right after a mass gunfight, with blood dripping from him and his gun, he drops the gun as his shadowey figure walks off into the blooming light in the distant. Then showing a phone on the ground displaying "HACK" Then the screen on the phone, glitching out to show the Killstrike logo, and official title for the game "Reborn"The devlopers found it weirdly difficult to find out who Vince will become in this video game. Director and writer of the video game, Jake Garth said "Yeah, honestly, we didn't really know where to aim towards with this one. Obviously the love and appreciation after the first game years back, motivated me and the team, but it was's like uh, Vince was distant" said Jake Garth in an interview. The original concepts of Vince were much different to the badass, Leathered up hero we know and love in the games. The conepts showed him having a full beard, (which he does in the second game to the franchise), Vince also wearing different colors to what he has now, having a black and yellow striped pants and Leather jacket. (Which can be found in Killstrike: Reborn and Killstrike: Repay & Kill in stores of the video game in New Yankton, set as an easter egg.The first concepts and artworks of Vince, by the year 2004 & 2005But in middle of production, they later would go with the design that is known.Some have rumoured that Vince was going to be a female, but this was proven false by co-director of the franchise, Steven Tall. He debunked these sayings when in a QnA at comic con in 2016 he replied "Haha, no, hell no. We didn't want Vince to be a female from the start, I think people get mixed up with some of the production we had with the game Remember Me from 2013, either that or people are speaking out of their ass, haha" said Tall. He said this because maybe fans and people around the community were getting mixed up with some of the production that Vibenz had with Dontnod Entertainment's video game Remember Me in 2013, which features a female protaginist, Nilin. Fans tended to get mixed up with both protaginists from the video games, Vince and Nilin from Remember Me.Weapons and CraftingIf you're a fan of the franchise, or even played it in any way at any time, there is no surprise to the given fact that many fans love the crafting system in the game. Crafting up to weapons to various of variants can be addictive. When reddit user "Balli_" pointed out in a post in 2015, saying "You can literally craft ANYTHING in this game. Why did they put THIS MUCH detail into this?" then posting this image, showing a crafted weapon that is absolutely ridiculous, but shows how far the developers really went. The image shows the reddit user, seemed to craft a blow torch onto a baseball bat. Which obviously is strange and ridiculously fun. From, user Balli_From Killstrike: Reborn (2013)A list from fan favourite weapons to craft withFire cracker pumpkins - (Attaching fire crackers all around and inside a pumpkin, click Triangle for ps4, Y for Xbox and X for Pc to explode it in front of enemies or anyone)Sally Wants To Play - (A sally doll from the game, and wire it with explosives)Developer Rage - (Apart of an easter egg but, get the secret controller found, and craft it to any shape you want. Shape it into a knife and brutally damage your enemies)A baseball bat Hammer Wood Hedge - (Having a long name, the weapon is pretty brutal. It's pretty much what the title is, it's a baseball bat, attached to a hammer with a wood hedge on it. Pretty brutal, driving it through enemies heads and bones) - Costs 20 Wood, 10 Iron, A Baseball Bat and A normal hammerExplosion Out Of Nowhere - (Rig an explosive up to anywhere, anytime and onto anything. Watch it explode in opponents faces)Mind Boggling (Get a speaker and rig it up to a RC controlled mini-car. Make Vince talk through it and watch your opponents scratch their heads in confusion. A distraction) - Costs 15 WoodFog Machine (A rigged fog machine, set to go off at anytime by a button. Attach to it, to the desired item and throw it near enemies. Using it as a distraction.) - Find a normal fog machine. In fancy stores around the city, or just buy it off some shady dealer. A rigged vehicle - (Explode your enemies when faced with a vulnerable unlocked vehicle)Dead Or Alive - (A face decoy body that you can craft with and confuse your enemies)A hammer and a blowtorch A dead body, but looks like a sleeping personFaucet, a pipe, a hammer, and some screws. (Will make it a deadly weapon when put together)A sports car, but also a decoy to drop a boulder from a far on when enemies get inside. Crushing their bones, making them squash like a bug.Development The development for Killstrike: Reborn would start in October of 2008, where the crew would be even larger and better this time. With over 2,000 Crew members working in Vibenz Studios' newly office they started up, with other additonal offices, expanded around the country of America. The main HQ would be stated in LA, where 6 other offices would be located in, Chicago, New York, Florida, Texas, Mississippi and Malibu. The development for the 2nd game, was better, bigger and way more convenient for the crew. Having better software, and better placement. The company would be bigger than ever, with the first installment of the game series in 2006, now having 43+ Million copies sold by 2013. The series, company and studio was a success, now going onto the second installment of the series, "Reborn", in 2013. The second game had the studio trying to decide for 3 months on where to start in the story for Vince. Some crew would resight scenes from the movie in 2003 "2 Fast 2 Furious", to give the character Vince, more of a "badass" side. Which he would prove himself in a scene from the game in 2013, where the player would have to play a QTE's minigame, with Vince being on the roof of the car, shooting at Terress Vincent. The mocap for that scene was hard for the crew, in the difficulty though, the outcome was priceful. And that very scene, won an award in 2014 for "Best Action Scene"Mocap for Killstrike: RebornThe radio station for the game, took the crew almost 3 years to make up a whole 500+ tracks to gather from. Picking from artists, and arranging tracks to be played, it was challenging. Over the outstanding number of tracks, and many talented artists being placed in the game. It won an award for "Best Music", being widely known. After the success of the first game, and being a hit, Vibenz wanted to always add a radio station. But always thought to not do, due to various of games in that time starting that kind of thing up. And their main competitor from that time, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Adding a radio station, they thought it would of been a "copy" and "rip-off" of others, and it's competitor. Mark Lee in Mocap suit for Killstrike: Reborn (2013)For the Mocap of Killstrike: Reborn, the actors had to go around in "odd" and "goofy" looking suits, and wear white dots to prevent any screw-ups in the animation design. This helped the actors facial design really stand-out. And this was brought up from Metacritics for the game's "outstanding facial animations, and animation design in it's whole", giving it a good review. Pre-releaseThe game was announced in 2012, on May 20th. And was set to release in October of that year, but due to some cut backs and production values, they wanted to make sure the game was suited to it's high-demand from fans. And didn't want to "Disappoint " or "let fans down". So, for 5 months straight in July of 2012 until December of that year, they did some polishing on the game. Even giving Vince his well-known beard and hair, as apparently, he did not have in the original production of Killstrike: Reborn. With the first trailer dropping for the game on January 12th, 2013. The game would be an even more high demand from when it was first announced the year prior. The fictional city of New Yankton, would get some new landmarks, adding a new golf course, where the player can roam around and play a set of mini-games on the field. Adding a set of heli-pads around the buildings, where the player can finally now fly airplanes and helicopters. Where as Killstrike (2006), the main complaint would be that airplanes and Helicopters would be in the game, but would be inaccessible, and would annoy players for years to come. Until fans online, would post videos, modding the game of Killstrike (2006), watched now being able to enter and fly about. Fans would finally get their promise in the second installment, where Vince in the second mission of the game would have to shoot out of a turreted helicopter. Adding to the player's exciment. "What we really wanted for the fans is to let them roam around in any vehicle of their choice. We wanted to make New Yankton this place that feels like, any vehicle you can enter would be a whole different experience. And we surprisingly got that" Said executive designer Bart McCormac.Bart McCormac, Age 50, 1973 May 6thMcCormac also studied vehicle designs, by going around New York, taking photos and videos, studying the design. And watching documentaries on the builds of different sets of Vehicles. He came up with the well known car from the game that's known by many fans the "Hellraiser", by mixing a Ferrari and a Hellcat together by studies made by McCormac on the vehicles. Making the Hellraiser fictional vehicle, "The Most Known Fictional Vehicle Ever"Hellraiser from Killstrike: Reborn, Ps4 ScreenshotWorth $250,000 In-game money. Or can buy it for 6EUR/$4.99Release Killstrike: Reborn would be released on October 7th, 2013. The game recieved "universal acclaim" from critics. Upon it's release and the high-demand it got worldwide. The game sold 6 Million copies in the first 6 hours of it's release and made $880 Million dollars within the first 12 hours of it's release, being ranked as one of the most sold games in under a day. And 22 Million units sold in the first week of it's release, making it one of the most sold games of that year in 2013, beating Grand Theft Auto 5's 16 million copies sold in the first week by 6 million more copies being sold. Extensively marketed and widely anticipated, the game broke industry sales records and became the fastest-selling entertainment product in history, reaching in at 3.5 Billion Dollars within the first 8 months. Breaking worldwide and annual records, the game was a prize for the industry. Killstrike: Reborn topped most of the games of that year, and reaching a tie with it's competitor Grand Theft Auto V. Reaching in at just the same numbers together. Both Killstrike and Gta easily out numbering most of the games for the next year of 2013 and 2014, Killstrike: Reborn, being the best selling game for 2 years in a row. Upon it's release, the player would be brought back to the world of Killstrike, in the newly modernized late 2000s New Yankton, and meeting Vince once again. Portrayed by voice actor Mark Lee, coming back for his prized role once again. We would we be brought back to a new version of the fictional city New Yankton, when KMD would get stronger. Which they would get the idea for KMD in the first game when a crew member would bring up the idea that Miller should be in some sort of team or gang, this would also be inspired by the movie The Warriors in 1979. But to make KMD different and unique, they would title them "Kill Me Dead", which is reportedly named that due to the player respawing when Vince would die. The player could die over and over but still be able to play, hence the name for the group ironically named, "Kill Me Dead" Mark Lee said in a press release, 2014, that playing Vince once again felt "different" as opposed to the role in 2006, Vince was different and better than before. Killstrike: Reborn for 16 months became the best selling video game to ever hit the market. Breaking market/selling records and outnumbering the previous holder, Grand Theft Auto IV (2008) Killstrike: Reborn is the world's 5th most sold video game of all time, following in 3rd place as Killstrike: Repay & Kill (2021) being 3rd most sold video game of all time. Top 5 Most Sold Video games (Killstrike franchise being on there twice)Tetris - 520 Million CopiesMinecraft - 238 Million Copies Killstrike: Repay & Kill - 204 Million CopiesGrand Theft Auto V - 175 Million CopiesKillstrike: Reborn - 110 Million Copies Ratings & Numbers The first installment of the game got 3.8/5 rating in the first month, but was the first game of 2006 to get over 4.3 rating. Then went onto get a 5/5 by most critics, which the first game following Grand Theft Auto V to get that much. Also the game's two sequels getting above 4.9 Ratings. Which is the first franchise to get all games over 4.0 and the first video game franchise to get all existing games and ratings of above 90%Killstrike: Repay & Kill is the second ever game to get a score of 99%, following The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time getting a 99% also. Killstrike: Repay & Kill is also the second most expensive game to ever make in the gaming industry, breaking many records in the last few years. Following Star Citizen costing 500 Million, and Killstrike: Repay & Kill costing 400 Million.Killstrike (2006) - 5/5 Killstrike: Reborn (2013) 4.9/5Kilstrike: Repay & Kill (2021) 4.9/5Killstrike (2006) - 95%Killstrike: Reborn (2013) 98%Kilstrike: Repay & Kill (2021) 99%Killstrike (2006) - 80 Million Copies Sold (Cost 36 Million To Make)Killstrike: Reborn (2013) - 110 Million Copies Sold (Cost 84 Million To Make)Kilstrike: Repay & Kill (2021) - 204 Million Copies Sold (Cost 400 Million To Make) Killstrike (2006) - $1.2 Billion Killstrike: Reborn (2013) - $7.7 BillionKilstrike: Repay & Kill (2021) - $14 BillionKillstrike hasn't failed to win every year for Most Anticipated Game, 2006 Awards, 2013 Awards, 2021 & 2022 Awards, and has won Game Of The Year everytime of a Killstrike game's release. The Killstrike franchise has been an instant hit from day one, and has been a huge success.Killstrike (2006) AwardsGame Of The Year - WonBest Playstation Game - Won Best Xbox Game - Won Biggest Surprise Of The Year - WonBest Voice Acting - Nominated Best Audio - Nominated Studio Of The Year (Vibenz Studio) - WonOutstanding Action / Adventure Video Game - WonCharacter Of The Year (Vince Miller) - Nominated Game Of The Year 2006 & 2007 - WonKillstrike: Reborn (2013) AwardsGame Of The Year - WonBest Playstation Game - Won Best Xbox Game - Won Best Steam Game - WonBest PC Action-Adventure Game Of The Year - Won Best PC Game Of The Year - NominatedBest Audio - WonBest Voice Acting - Nominated Best Action-Adventure - NominatedGame Of The Year 2013 & 2014 - WonBest Technology - WonOutstanding Achievement in Gameplay Engineering - Nominated Best Music - WonBest Remaster (2015) - WonBest Remaster (2017) - WonKilstrike: Repay & Kill (2021) Game Of The Year - WonBest Playstation Game - Won Best Xbox Game - Won Best Steam Game - WonBest PC Game - WonBest Streamed Game - WonMost Wanted Game 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - WonMost Played - WonUltimate Game of the Year (39th) - WonMost Expensive Game To Make Of The Year - WonSecond Most Expensive Game To Make Of All Time - WonBest Technology - WonBest Voice Acting - WonBest Action-Adventure - WonOutstanding Achievement in Gameplay Engineering - WonBest Audio - WonBest World - Won Most Saddest Ending - WonBest Music In-game - WonBest PC Action-Adventure Game Of The Year - Won Best Game Expansion (The Bank DLC Online) - Won Best Story - WonBest Original Game - Won Most Watched Video Game Trailer Of The Year - Nominated Audio Achievement - NominatedSaddest Story - NominatedOutstanding Innovation in Gaming - NominatedOutstanding Character Performance - Nominated Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction - NominatedBest Art Direction - WonBest Technology - WonBest Multiplayer Game - WonBest Graphics - NominatedGamer Obsession - NominatedStream Game of the Year - WonKillstrike: Repay & Kill broke alot of records, and was ground breaking for the gaming community and gaming industry in it's whole. Killstrike: Repay & Kill was first teased in E3 2018, and was an instant hit from there. In the first day, rocking upto about 30 Million Copies sold, and the first week, reaching sales upto 90 Million. Breaking not only gaming records, but entertainment records. E3 2018 Trailer for Killstrike: Repay & Kill (June 10th, 2018) - 106 Million ViewsTrailer #2 Killstrike: Repay & Kill (May 26th, 2019) - 55 Million ViewsKillstrike: Repay & Kill Was also teased more at a gaming event in November of 2019, which caught the attention of many fans. Since E3 of that time, Killstrike: Repay & Kill Trended on Twitter many times over the 3 years of it's wait. Killstrike: Repay & Kill won best PC game twice in a row, for 2021 & 2022. While also the game winning many Awards for 3 years straight, as Most Anticipated Game. In 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. Extra Content Ratings Killstrike Recut (2007) - 3.9/5Is an additonal added 20 minutes content to game of taken out and deleted cutscenes from the original 2006's releaseKillstrike: Miller's Past (Epilogue) (2011) - 4.3/5 Killstrike Remastered Ps4, Xbox One (Killstrike 2006 remaster) (2014) 4.4/5Killstrike Redbull advertisment (2015) 4.2/5Killstrike: Daughter (2016) 3.8/5 - 8.2/10Killstrike, Uncharted and Crash Bandicoot crossover ad (2017) 4.2/5 - 9/10Watch Dogs 2 and Killstrike crossover ad (2017) 2.8/5 - 5/10 (Lowest Rated)Killstrike: Repay & Kill E3 2018 Announcement (2018) 5/5Killstrike: Repay & Kill Trailer #2 (2019) 4.9/5 - 96% Killstrike: Reborn Expanded Content (2020) 4.4/5 Killstrike: Reborn and Killstrike (2006) remaster for Ps5, PC, Xbox X/S (2022) 4/5 - 10/10Killstrike 4 Slight Tech Demo - Test (2022) 3.9/5 - 7.8/10 Super Vicious (2023 - In Killstrke Universe) 4.2/5 - 8/10Killstrike: Repay & KillKillstrike: Repay & Kill is the 3rd installment to the franchise, and the best-selling out of it's predecessors. And argumentatively the best one. After getting a call from his brother and a long-time friend Eagle. Vince is brought back to New Yankton after having a family somewhere far away from New Yankton, making sure to not remind him of his old life in NY.The game starts out pretty calm, but then walks slowly towards gore. From nearly watching his brother die, but then actually watching his friend die, Vince get's more and more messed up as the game goes, killing many of Jet's men, (Jet being a powerful gangster), then killing Jet himself, Vince is enraged. At the end of the game, spending a year or two in prison for the take-outs. Vince still feels as that he has blood on his hands. Killstrike (2021) is set to have the best graphics of it's time. From RTX, ray-tracing and Ps5 modernized style, the game is a plus and triple In ait's time. Ps5 ScreenshotPC Screenshot, without RTX/Ray-tracing, and no additional effects.PC Screenshot, with added on effects, RTX, 8K, Ray-tracing, Nvidia & more And one of the screenshots from the E3 Early showcase from development of the game in 2018. Showing all of those screenshots side-to-side, one thing that doesn't change is the amazing visuals and graphics the game showcases. Whether you're in the sandy biomes of the south in the game, or your at the top of the snowy mountains. The amazing visuals, will always be there. Development The development would start for Killstrike: Repay & Kill as early as 2014, right after the second installment (Killstrike: Reborn) The game's idea by 2014 was everywhere. Co-director Steven Tall said after the release of the game in 2021, "In 2014, after Reborn we honestly thought we were set on the idea..but honestly some days, we would write and just change almost everything instantly on the page. It was a mess, but we were glad that we found out who Vince has become in the recent years" said Tall. As it was everywhere, the writers and developers kept deciding if they should make Vince older or not. Even deciding to set the year of the game in 2013, making Vince 43 by then, and not 51 as we know. But went with the age, year and life that we know now in Killstrike: Repay & Kill. Dook wrote where Vince was gonna lead his life past the 2010s with Co-director Steve Tall, and writer of the first two games Sam Dunk. The team scrapped many ideas, and played around with a lot of plot structures until they came up with a story that best suited Vince's life, post Killstrike: Reborn. Dook wanted Killstrike: Repay & Kill to be about bringing one to justice, as a pay for their brutal actions. "I wanted the player to feel for Vince, and really have a thirst for revenge and justice in this once." Said Tristen. The developers pushed the technical capabilities of the PlayStation 4 when creating Repay & Kill, adding more enemies and larger environments than in previous games. Dook noted that any drops in detail would ruin the sense of authenticity, which required consistent optimization of the technology. "Even a texture not looking right would ruin the experience" said Dook. Vibenz wanted the player to get as best of an experience as possible. When most critics would continuously point out the good graphics, Vibenz almost got sick of it. Saying "I think we pushed it a little too good and just a little too far.." By 2016, the game's script would be up to 3,500 pages long, along with the casted actors recording an estimated count of 25,000 Lines. The recording sessions for the video game would begin in Early 2017, lasting up to May of 2018. (About 14 Months)Heather Bale returned from the second game to compose the score for this one. Adding silent and ghostly hums to the background of the soundtrack. While Mac Mcorm would perform action and combat music when fighting opponents. According to a report from Irish developer of the game, Finn Fierests, the recording sessions and sequences for behind the scenes to the game, would take 12 - 16 hour work days. This would mean the hot and irritating Mocap suits would have to stay on in tempatures of 82°F/ 28 Celsius. Making the actors and employees sometimes feel weak. Vibenz wanted to make sure the comfort level was good, so the actors were given Mocap suits that were pretty easily able to be taken off in seconds. They were given a few minutes to even hours a day of rest out of the suit. "We didn't want any health problems to come into play. What if someone had asthma? Or breathing problems? We didn't want that for anyone." Said the crew at Vibenz. Which would further add to budget levels and production problems. "Health over finance. Am I right? Or am I right?" Said Dook.Despite all the additional problems with finance, production and writing blocks, Vibenz had a smooth and bearable ride creating Repay & Kill. Pre-release Killstrike: Repay & Kill is set to have the world's biggest pre-releases ever. From fans being hyped from the announcement in E3 2018, to release in 2021. The many awards for the game also tells alot for the hype and surrounding communities and audiences exciment for the game. Which further added to the sales and the money supported and given.Fans on twitter every month for the 3 years of it's wait would go on and make Killstrike trend for days. Making people to speculate if it's actually gonna come out or not, until it's release date announcement was made on June 2nd, 2020, about more than a year prior. ReleaseKillstrike: Repay & Kill would release on November 8th, 2021 in America, then the rest of the world on November 10th, 2021. Making the game's release "The biggest the world's ever had!" Killstrike: Repay & Kill has the biggest video game releases of all time in the industry. Marketing at the same levels as top tier games such as, Grand Theft Auto V, Cyberpunk 2077's wait and release, Minecraft, Red Dead Remption 2, Star Citizen and others. In the first day, Killstrike: Repay & Kill made 880 Million dollars worldwide. 30 Million in the UK in the first 24 Hours, 50 Million in all of Europe and 200 Million dollars from Northern America and more. The game released for the Ps4, Ps5, Ps4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox X/S, Windows and released exclusively for the Xbox One S in Mid' 2022. Killstrike 3's gameplay is astonishing. With a matte black kind color scheme, to roads being "highly detailed texture wise" and "good reflections throughout the city's windows and vehicle's" Playing Vince Miller as-did in the previous game, the gameplay of it all is way more advanced and improved to Killstrike: Reborn (2013)The drifting mechanic of the game wasn't added and developed on until later production. "I feel like we could of worked a bit more on it, but I'm still satisfied" said Tristen Dook, developer and CEO of Vibenz StudiosCutscenes and gameplay futher added to the world's experience and reality of it. Reception Killstrike: Repay & Kill recieved "favorable and positive reviews", some critics even titling it "The best game ever made!", or titles such as "Best game ever sold"The detail put into the game within the 7 years of it's development is world-wide game industry breaking. When you look at the amount of awards it has won, the game does deserve it. Obviously a lot of flaws in there, because no video game is perfect. But for the gaming industry and community, this game was a prize to say the least. From reviewers and critics talking about the open bay areas, the big map you can roam around in offline and online with friends. "Driving through the whole city in a high-end sports vehicle is just it's own thing", from critics praising it's driving system and abilities. "The best and most-realistic damn drifting in a video-game you'll get in a while"The talk about the game, pre-release and post-release was always favorable. The ending of the game was titled from Game Awards as "The Most-saddest endings to a video game" ReviewsMetacritic | PC - 10/10 | PS4 - 9.9/10 | Xone - 10/10 | Ps5 - 9.4/10 | Xbox X/S - 10/10 - 98%---------Play - 9/ - 10/10Game Informer - 9.8/10Moist Meter - 100%Game Enforcer - 10/10PlayEXTRA - 9.2/10TripleAGAMES - 10/10IGN - 10/10IGN posted their statement on their front page, "Killstrike: Repay & Kill is the best game we have ever played here. It's a definite must-play experience"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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