A Halloween Special Story - Break His Hole

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It all started when Henry received a message in the boys' group, where there were famous Hollywood dilfs, he was looking for some porn to relieve himself that night after a long and boring day, but it ended with Hemsworth sending a photo inviting the others to come and enjoy

"Special Halloween night hosted by Paul Wagner at Club X. Come in costume and ready to have fun! [...]. So, this is one of those clubs just for famous men, should I go? Strip show starts at 11pm. Wait, what time is it?" -When he looked at the top of his cell phone, he saw that it already said 9:50 pm - "Damn, I'm going to have to run their"

Seeing that he didn't have any costume, he took out his wallet, called a car and went to the shopping center to buy a costume. Upon entering the sex shop in jeans and a sweatshirt, she noticed a blonde salesperson distracted behind the counter, he seemed to be playing on his cell phone watching porn, without paying much attention to the movement around him. The cell phone vibrated in his pocket, his colleagues confirming that they were already going to the club, but Henry hadn't even decided which costume he was going to wear yet. He didn't even notice that the salesperson was standing next to him, offering as respectful service as possible.

— Do you need help, sir? — The young man was lazy, but when he saw that handsome man in front of him, he quickly woke up to being helpful.

— I don't know which one I should use — Henry hadn't decided between the gladiator costume and the chef costume, both of which had a very sexual content and were right for a party.

— Well, if you want, there's a dressing room on the side, you just can't damage the pieces.

— Okay thank you... — Henry was heading towards the dressing room with his costumes, when the boy caught his attention.

— Carter — He pointed to a plaque with his name, found on the left side of his chest.

— Thanks Carter — The boy then returned to his post at the store's cash register, happy because he had received a wink from the famous actor.

Cavill went to the dressing room, put on both outfits, but the gladiator outfit was more comfortable than wearing one of those tight underwear under an apron, so he left there and went towards the cashier, he noticed that Carter was breathing unbalanced, probably She watched him change his clothes and grab his dick several times inside that dressing room. Henry would even fuck him, if he weren't in a hurry, he paid, gave the suitcase a light squeeze over his pants with another wink at the boy and went back home to get ready. He took a quick shower and left the bathroom without clothes and looked at the underwear drawer and opted to wear just a navy-blue slip under the costume with a mask, along with a fanny pack with his wallet, phone and car keys. She got dressed in a hurry as there were 30 minutes left before the start of the show and took her car towards the club.

"Am I going to fuck someone today? Damn, this place is deserted, holy shit, I'm going to get in" -Henry was wandering in his own thoughts when he felt the phone vibrate, with Ryan asking where he was and showing that he should enter through the back door. He found how he should go and went to the back street, with three cars already parked, he at once recognized whose vehicles they belonged to, lucky for him he hadn't come alone for fun. He got out of the car and when he knocked twice on the emergency exit, Reynolds promptly welcomed him, wearing a classic vampire outfit, with a cape and light makeup on his face.


— What? — The gladiator didn't understand anything
— Lgad u rriaedv

— What? — Everything was still confusing, until Ryan took the fanged dentures out of his mouth and put them in a pocket.

— Glad you arrived, come here to meet the hoster! — Excited about his colleague's arrival, Ryan seemed different than usual, at least that's what Henry thought.

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