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In the primordial ages, when the cosmos was still in its infancy, Azarath, a brilliant human scholar with an insatiable thirst for knowledge,embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries beyond mortal comprehension

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In the primordial ages, when the cosmos was still in its infancy, Azarath, a brilliant human scholar with an insatiable thirst for knowledge,
embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries beyond mortal comprehension.
His relentless pursuit led him to the legendary tome "Zageres," a repository of boundless wisdom that beckoned from the depths of the cosmic unknown.

Driven by a desire to transcend the limitations of mortality, Azarath delved into the ancient tome.
However, as he immersed himself in the cosmic insights within Zageres, he found himself overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of its wisdom.
Fearing that the incomprehensible knowledge would consume him entirely, Azarath, in a desperate attempt to sever the connection, assumed that tearing the book asunder would halt the relentless flow of wisdom that threatened to engulf his very essence.

Yet, his unwitting act of tearing the book unleashed unforeseen consequences. The rupture sent shockwaves through the fabric of existence, releasing a torrent of dark energy and divine corrupt symbols that permeated the cosmos. Innocent souls were transformed into corrupted guardians-dreaded demons, each bearing symbols that defined their malevolent powers.

Among the emerging entities, three demons stood out-Baltazaar, harbinger of life's annihilation;

Xerath, the cosmic destroyer seeking the end of planets, stars, and civilizations;
and Azyr, a chaos-wielding entity aspiring to surpass Azarath in power.

These three formidable demons possessed corrupted symbols. Azarath, who believed he could sever the cosmic connection, now bore the weight of symbols as a consequence of ripping the book.

Haunted by the unforeseen repercussions of his actions, Azarath sought redemption by finding a mortal conduit to rectify the chaos he had unleashed. Alerian Galus, a humble young man born into poverty, unwittingly became the chosen one. Through enigmatic dreams, Azarath guided Alerian, revealing the imminent dangers posed by the three formidable demons.

At the age of 19, Alerian learned of the divine wisdom crucial for mending the fractured world caused by Zageres. Guided by Azarath's spectral presence and driven by the desire to save humanity from the impending demonic threat, Alerian embarked on a perilous journey. Demons with diverse motives, including the seven, stood in his path as the struggle expanded beyond the fate of humanity.

Cosmic entities like Xerath harbored ambitions to disrupt the universe, complicating the quest further. Azarath, a demonic demigod feared by his kin, refrained from direct intervention, focusing on advising and guiding Alerian. The overarching goal materialized-to mend the shattered world tainted by dark energy and divine corruption symbols.

"Beyond Mortals" unfolded as a cosmic epic, where Alerian navigated a world teeming with demons, gods, and the remnants of an ancient, forgotten civilization. As Alerian deciphered Azarath's enigmatic signals, the cosmic tapestry unraveled a backstory of unintended consequences, the thirst for knowledge, and the intertwined fate of a scholar and a chosen one striving to safeguard the very fabric of the universe.

Within this cosmic drama, Azyr emerged as the most significant threat to the universe. His ambition transcended mere chaos-he sought to destroy the entire universe, bring unprecedented chaos, and eliminate Azarath to ascend as the most powerful guardian, or as mortals called them, "demons."

As Alerian embarked on his mission to save humanity from demons, Azarath's focus expanded to safeguarding the universe against the imminent threat posed by the seven demons, with Azyr's destructive ambitions posing the gravest danger. The fate of both humanity and the cosmos intertwined as Alerian and Azarath faced the cosmic forces threatening to plunge all into eternal chaos.

The first chapter of the story, will soon be released.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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