Start to a new life

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I was looking out the window listening to my music when we pull up to a big house. I got out and got my stuff and walked in the house. I looked around and it was so pretty in there I could'nt do nothing but stare. I geuss two braids told me to follow him but idk so I just did anyway. He led me to a room that was purple. I was so loving this room but I didnt show it. He walked out and closed the door so I unpacked. I looked in the drawers. They had clothes in them so I changed into a Nike sports bra, sone Nike leggings, and some Nike shoes.
I grabbed my phone, headphones, put my hair in a messy bun, and walked downstairs. The boys were in the living room.

Zee: I'm going running be back in a hour.

Prod: Okay we will come with you.


Roc: yea come on.

So we walked out and I started jogging while they were walking behind me.

Nobody POV

They were walking and Zee was jogging when two girls came out of no where and started drama with Zee.

Girl 1: Look at this, she trying to show out in front of bae.

Girl 2: yea lets go beat her ass

Girl1: bitch y u trying to still my man

Zee: excuse me but who u think u talking to

Girl2: she talking to u

The first girl smacked Zee so Zee started punching her in the face and she dragged her on the concrete. She got on top of her and started punching her when the other girl grabbed her hair. Zee tripped her and started beating both of them at the same time. The guys broke it up and took her home.

Authors Note/// Hey my babies💋 I hope u like the story so far🤗🤗🤗 please vote and comment
Bye bye love ya💋💋💋💋💋✌🏾️✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾

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