chapter 13

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I was now 20 years old and I was stuck in the hospital. I had a chance that I might die because I wasn’t well but the doctors couldn't find what was wrong. But it didn’t matter. I was happy even though there was a chance that I might die. I was sad but I focused on the happy things so going home today I was so happy. I wased pushed out of the hosbiled in a wheelchair Will picked me up and put me in the front seat I put on my seat belt and we drove off I got to choose what we listened to on the way home I put We made it by david hugo I sang to my heart content I was so happy I so yell Will joined in Coco did to it was fun Will pulled up to the house I could see the boys outside wanting for me I stepped out the car a fell a bit but Will just picked me up I couldn’t walk but when we got closer to the boy I told Will to put me down I told him I needed to hug them and I needed to do some things on my own he put me down he helped me walk over to the boys' Toby ran up to me a engulfed me into a hug he whispered I missed you I whispered back same here Toby let go and help me walk over to the other 2 I hugged mark first I was hard not see my twin everyday Tommy shoved Mark aside he bears hug me not letting me go I could tell how hard this was for him. He let me go. We all talked outside for a while then they all helped me walk inside to the sofa. A few days went by and we did so much fun stuff and I did most of the stuff I wanted to do. Earlier in the week the doctor came to the house and said I need to be on bed rest so I can rest to try to get well. So I was stuck in my bed which wasn’t bad but it had its cons and problems. The boys went out to film a video so the house was empty.

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