Chapter 1

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When you woke up you felt like something was off, you weren't sure what it was but it made you feel gross. You went back and forth on if you wanted to get out of bed but reminded yourself that boyfriend, Mary Goore, had just gotten back from his tour last night and you felt like you needed to be with him, so you sat up and went to go get ready.

The clothes you put on felt gross and it finally clicked what was happening in your mind, you had started age regressing. You whined and pouted when suddenly you heard the sound of a door opening. "Morning," Mary yawned and looked over at you and saw you pouting, saying nothing he walked up to you and crouched next to you, "Are you uh.. alright?" You shook your head and hit your hands on the ground "I'm littwle," Mary looked was aware that you would age regress but had never seen it first hand. "Oh! Uh i-is there anything I can do to help?" You pointed to the table by your bed "list," you were too far into little space to explain it but you had a list on your table for just a moment like this, Mary stood up and looked over the list before talking "Do you want me to grab you some apple juice?" Feeling unable to talk you nodded your head and watched as he walked out of the room before returning with a sippy cup filled with apple juice, "here you go little lamb," he smiled when he saw the way you giggled at the nickname he gave you. You reached out for the sippy cup and drank out of it happily.

While you were drinking you apple juice Mary went over to his room and looked around to get something for you and he grinned when he found what he was looking for, returning back to your room where you were waiting for him. Your gaze fell to where he was hiding something behind his back before he removed it and showed you what it was, a lamb plushie, you smiled and reached out for it, earning a small laugh from your lover. The second you had the plushie in your hands you felt relaxed, "sweepy," Mary nodded and picked you up, cradling you in his arms as he took you to your bed, lying down next to you. You made random noises babbling to yourself as Mary played with your hair soothingly. You cuddled into Mary and looked up at him "I wuv you," he grinned brightly at you, "I love you too, little lamb." You were falling asleep fast and all you knew in that moment was you had never felt so loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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