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The sky seems to be mocking the way you feel, the way the clouds band together creating a vibrating atmosphere that soon lights up like a switch being turned on. You breathe in, slowly filling your lungs with the crisp air that surrounds you. You can't shake the feeling that something is going to happen, something that will change everything.


You spin on your heels to the voice that calls your name from a distance. The person standing before you simply stares at you like you are the ghost that has been haunting them for years. Yet you don't even know where you are, one minute you're alone on a hill and next thing you know you're on a sidewalk in a city you know nothing about.

"You're the one they sent here." The voice walks towards you slowly, carefully watching to see if you react. "I must are not what I was expecting."

"And exactly what were you expecting." You take a step back confused. "Who are you?"

"The one who is taking you home."

With swift movement, you lose visual on them and everything goes dark. At least now you know what you were feeling was true.

All your life you have never fit in, you have these strange dreams that feel so real but seem impossible. To most, dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. When you dream, it is always a different story, it's as if you've lived that very dream.

"Ugh..." You grasp your head, groaning as the pain intensifies. You open your eyes to see you're on the floor in a room, you pull yourself up and find a door. Locked of course.

"Where the hell am I?" You look around and find a window. As you walk towards it, you're jerked into the wall. Realization kicks in that's you're on a plane, you run to the window to look out, but nothing is visible. You walk back towards the wall and slide down to the floor, what have you gotten yourself into now.

Before your mind can process what's happening, these guards walk in and pull you to your feet, placing shackles around your wrists. They pull you with them, as you walk down the ramp, you look around and admire the beautiful scenery. It was as if you were having another one of your dreams, but soon realized you aren't as the guards pull the shackles sending a slight pinch in your skin. You definitely are not dreaming, this is real.

The guards walk you down a path and you still can't help but look around at the beautiful surroundings. You come to a tall building, to which the only word that comes to your mind is 'castle'. You are lead through the castle, to a lower level where you come upon a dark room full of others. Walking down the steps, it's clear this is a prison, panic starts to build up and you begin to pull against the shackles. With little to no effort, the guards throw you into a cell.

"Let go of me!" You scream as the guards throw you in the cell, as they walk away you hear a voice talking in the cell next to you, so you turn towards them.

"Odin continues to bring me new friends." He scoffs watching as the guards walk away. "How thoughtful." 

"What the hell is this place? Where am I?" You question, walking over to see this mysterious man standing motionless with his back to you. 

"Hell darling." He turns around slowly to with a grin that screamed mischief. 

You become taken aback, swallowing as you try to compose yourself before speaking. You find yourself skimming this man's appearance, your eyes trailed from his green eyes down to his lips as a crooked smile form.

"What exactly does that mean?" You ask quickly regaining focus.

"To each their own I presume." He snickers as leans closer to the barrier.

"I don't even know where the hell I am or who you are." You stop and stare at him, realizing you haven't asked. "Who are you?"

"I think the real question here is who are you?" He shoots back with curiosity at the tip of his tongue. 

"I asked you first." You cross your arms and lean against the wall whilst this mystery man simply smiles.

He throws his hands up as if in surrender. He walks to the far edge of the barrier as he takes a deep breath.

"I am Loki. God of Mischief." He smiles at you. "But I'm sure you already knew that." 

"Why would I know that already?" You walk away to sit in a corner. You bring your knees to your chest and drop your head into your hands. What have you gotten yourself into now. You let yourself fall onto your back and close your eyes for a moment.

"So, you really don't know who I am?" 

You open your eyes and stare at the ceiling before sitting up to acknowledge Loki. You yourself are confused on this whole situation. First your pulled into a strange area, thrown into a prison cell next to someone who says they are a god. Could this get any worse?

"Nope." You respond and proceed to laying back down.


"Why would I know who you are?" You sit back up and stare at Loki, waiting for an explanation. 

"Are you not Asgardian?" Loki asks without so much as acknowledging you staring at him.

"No... I don't even...what?" You find yourself lost for words as you try to grasp what he just said. You've heard the term 'Asgardian' but only in your dreams, but the fact is... This isn't a dream.

You watch as Loki stops what he's doing, sits up slowly and looks directly at you. No words are spoken as he stares at you with what seems utter disbelief.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" You say sitting up straight.

You watch as Loki slowly stands up and walks towards you, a smile creeping at the side if his lips. He stands inches away from the barrier, you can see now that he is tall and slender. You stand up intrigued.

"Why are you smiling?" 

"So, are you going to enlighten me with your name?" Loki says, not taking his eyes off yours.

"Why are you so eager to know my name?" You walk over to the barrier separating the two of you, tilting your head upward to look at him.

"It's Y/n..." You bite your bottom lip, the way he stood over you simply made you want to sink to your knees. What is it about this man, the way his voice could ring in your ear and leave an echo. You could feel his eyes trailing over your body, leaving an impression. 

"Pleasure..." Loki says as he walks away, grabbing a book along the way before sitting down.

"Right..." You merely whisper to yourself. You turn around and are met with a guard staring at you expressionless.

"Odin is requesting your presence."

Whispers of Mischiefحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن