chapter 3

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angelina's pov

we were at the bus depot, virgil was calling his parents, I was sitting between asami and ed, and tye was stand next to the side of the door,  I was thinking wheater if I should call my mom or not

as virgil was done calling his family he went back inside, he walked past tye, then Tye spoke up 

"dude I can't believe you called your family, no way I'm going back to mine. " Tye said

Virgil looked at me for help, then gesturing at the longshadow boy, I nodded, I stood up and I walked towards Tye and put a hand on a shoudler, his face softened a bit when he looked at me

"calm down it's alright, let Virgil explain." I softly said, tye sighed and nodded

"thank you." the Hawkins boy said to me I nodded, 

"look I know the reach has been abutucing runways, but with me they got it all wrong, I was grabbed whlie waiting  in a train station to meet my sister, my floks and I we're good, so yeah I called them, and they must be worried sick, so yeah I called them, I left a messgage ask them to wire some money, so the five of us could get bus tickets to daktoa city, it's my home town." virgil explained

"that's your plan?" ed asked making us looked at him

"how are we supposed to find a cure in the dakota city?" ed questoned making me frown at him concern and worried. I sat between him and asami again

he must really want his powers gone. but I know deep down he loves his powers, he just won't admit it or accepted it yet.

I was scared of my powers when I got them, but I didn't hate them. 

"no idea. except that I don't really want a cure." virgil repiled

he walked over to the vending machine and use his power to make a soda can come out and grabbed " I like my powers."  I noticed the reach logo

"uh.. virgil." I trailed off

"dude don't drink that, It's reach!" Tye shouted making virgil spit out the drink and looking at the logo "aw man." and with his powers he throw the drink some where

Tye took seat then lie down "just wake me when it's time to go." tye said then he closed his eyes and fell asleep, I smlied at that 'he looked peaceful and kind of cute.' I thought

my eyes widened in realization of what I just thought and my face was redder then a tomato, I patted my cheeks. not noticing Asami looking at me confused or Virgil giving me a knowing smile, or ed's frowning

I once calm down then   I took a rock that I found a few days ago out of my pocket, I closed my eyes, and practice my telekinesis, I inhale and exhale thinking happy thought my eyes were glowing, and that the rock was levitating, I smiled,

I got a little a control of my telekinesis. I guess I was doing a tiny bit better at that. I noticed ed was looking at me a smlie, ed seem to noticed the looked away with a blushing face,

I was confused but shrugged, I stopped levitating I noticed asami standing up and looked outside the door her eyes widened the turned to us. "yabai yakura kuru!" asami said to us

me and ed were confused, ed looked at me I just shurgged, then looked at virgil then shurgged "I have no idea."  he repiled

asami looked at me, its like she wants me to see somthing, I stood up, then walk and saw through the door, I gasped and my eyes widened in fear when I saw wilcox and the grauds who are outside . I ran to ed and grabbed by the front of the shirt brought him to the windows and pointed at wilocx and the grauds

ed grabbed both asami and me by the shoulders and brought us down to our knees, then turned to virgil

"campanero, Wilcox is here." ed said to him

"oh, great!" the hawkins boy said sarcastically whlie trying to hide.

"what do we do?" I ask virgil

"I don't know." he repiled

he then ran to tye who was still sleeping, shaking him by the shoulder "Tye! Tye! wake up we're in trouble!" virgil said

and before we knew it, Tye's arstal form apeared, it was huge, his astral form tear off the roof of the bus depot and threw it. 

making wilcox and the grauds jump out of the way


the guards had their weapon pointing at Tye making my eyes widened in fear and worried.  but Wilcox stopped them which I was slightly relief .

then suddenly blue beetle appear, he told wilcox and the grauds to stay calm and reasure them the situatatoin is under control,

suddenly blue beetle was slammed by Tye and his arstal form, tye then grabbed us and pick us up

"Tye!" ed yelled

"I don't think can't hear you." virgil said

and with that Tye ranaway with us in his hand far away from wilcox and the grauds and blue beetle.


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