Chapter 25 : Cabin

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Chapter 25


Riker POV

I jumped, waking up to the sound of the car door slamming. We had parked somewhere, but it was pitch black outside, so I couldn't tell if we were just in the middle of the woods or if we were at a house or something.

Dad opened my door, grabbed my arm, and pulled me out of the car. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see we were at a cabin. But it was dark and I don't think anyone was there.

He kept a tight grip on my arm and pulled me up to the door of the cabin. He had a key and opened the door.

"Whose house is this?" I asked.

"One of my friend's."

He turned on the lights so I could finally see.

"Why are we here?"

"I thought it would be a good place to hide out, at least for the first night. But we'll probably have to leave tomorrow morning and go somewhere else."

He brought me over to the kitchen table and had me sit down in a chair. And then he tied my hands together. He also took rope and wrapped it around my chest, tying me to the chair. And it was tight. My wrists were starting to hurt a little and it was kind of hard to breathe with the rope around my chest.

Dad went into another room and was talking to someone on the phone. I couldn't hear what he was saying though. He was probably talking to one of his friends.

Is he just going to leave me tied to the chair all night?

I tried to stop thinking about the fact that it was my birthday because I knew I would start crying. I'm just really worried about Ross. I know he must be freaking out without me.

I was curious what was going on. I'm positive he must've called the police or Mark. So the police were probably looking for me. But I don't know where they would even be looking. We've been driving on dark roads for hours.

I just hope Ross is back with Mark, and not home with mom. I know Mark will try to keep him calm and take care of him.

It felt like my fingers were starting to get a little numb. Dad's still talking to someone on the phone. I wonder if the police can track his phone...

He came back into the room.

"Do I just have to sit here all night?" I asked.

"For a few hours, so I can get some sleep."

"Can you loosen the ropes, please?"

"Why? So you can escape while I'm asleep?"

"No. Because it's hard to breathe and my fingers are starting to go numb. Please?"

Dad took my hands and untied them. And then he retied them, but behind my back, behind the chair.

"I really have to sleep like this?" I asked.

"Yes. And if you try to escape, my friend told me how to arm the alarm system. The alarm system does not alert the police if it goes off. But it will wake me up. And you can bet that you don't want that to happen."

Dad went to the couch and laid down. I can't sleep like this.

I sat there for a while. Finally I heard him snoring and I knew he was asleep. I want to try to escape, but I'm really scared of what will happen if I do and get caught.

I tried to get the rope off my hands, but it was too tight and I couldn't see what I was doing. I sighed and just sat there. It's still kind of hard to breathe.

What a great start to my birthday.


Riker POV

I'd gotten bored and was trying to get out of the rope around my chest. I'd been wiggling around in my chair, trying to get the rope any looser. It was working a tiny bit, but not enough to really make a difference.

So I started trying to pry my hands out of the rope instead. It felt like it was giving me rope burn on my wrists. But finally I managed to get my wrists free.

I untied the rope that was around my chest and then just sat there, thinking.

What do I do? I could try to run, but that would set off the alarm system and I don't know if I can get away in time. If I can't, I'm probably going to get really hurt. So maybe I shouldn't do that.

I'm already a little worried that I'm going to get in trouble for getting out of the ropes.

What else could I do? I could try to find a way to contact the police. Or maybe not, since dad's phone is probably in his pocket.

Maybe I could go see if there's another phone around here or a computer.

I slowly got up and started quietly walking around the cabin. To be honest, there wasn't much here. It seemed more like a vacation house than a regular one.

I couldn't find anything. I wondered if there's any food here...

I'm getting pretty hungry. It's been hours since I've eaten. So I crept into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Nothing. I started checking the cabinets. Still nothing.

Well then maybe I could get some sleep so I have energy to possibly escape tomorrow? I mean today. My birthday.

I went into the living room and laid down on the other couch that was in there and closed my eyes.

My birthday wish is that when dad wakes up, he doesn't hurt me too bad for getting out of the ropes and sleeping in here instead.

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