Little Girl Crying

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I sat on the small bed in the small room that my mother and I shared in our uncle's house. My mother entered the room, a broad smile drawn across her face.

"I have something for you."

I looked at my mother expectantly. She pulled from behind her back a large brown and beige stuffed animal, a dog. I took it, saying my thanks as I pulled it close to my face. I inhaled the scent of newness, crisp light and beautiful. I squeezed it closer to my chest.

"It flat!"

My mother looked at me in bewilderment.

"Mummy, it flat." I said as I pushed against its back, disappointed by its refusal to puff back out like any good stuffed toy should.


"It flat mummy. I can't squeeze it."

"Jane, don't whine in my ears."

"But mummy it flat." My voice started to break as the tears welled up in my eyes.

"So what you expect me to do about it?"

"Fix it." I stretched out the dog to her.

"Jane Gibson, don't make me miserable."

Tears started to roll down my cheek.

"But it flat." My voice got louder and my brother came into the room.

"Matt it flat." I stretched out the dog to him. Taking it from my hands, he inspected it.

"Mummy you can fix it?" He held the dog out to our mother.

"Look, not you too. What am I supposed to do?" She kisses her teeth. "This is why I shouldn't buy you stuff."

"The back can open, you can stuff it," he said.

"With what!"

My brother handed me back the toy, I began to cry profusely. The walls were thin and my cries echoed through the house.

"Jane Gibson! Stop keeping noise in de people house. It too late for you to be keeping so much noise in de people house. Be quiet. Be quiet or I'll give you something to cry for."

My uncle entered the room. "What's the matter? Is everything alright?"

"She's ungrateful that's what happen."

"It flattt!"

"You want me take it away from you?"

"Nooo." I squeezed the flat creature tighter.

"Let us see." My uncle outstretched his hand.

As I handed it to him, my aunt Gwen appeared in the doorway. He looked at it, turning it over and opening the back. My aunt Gwen stepped next to him.

"I can fix it," she said. She left the room with the toy in her hand. My uncle followed.

My crying quietened, my mother's frustration and embarrassment didn't. My brother sat next to me on the bed. My mother paced up and down the room, mumbling under her breath.

A little while later they re-entered. My aunt handed me the toy. Again, I took and said my thank yous while pulling it closer to my face. I squeezed it. It was perfect. 

Day 16- Little Girl Crying (November 16*, 2023) {15TH*}Where stories live. Discover now