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I thought this chapter would be fun to write, so here I am, answering to random questions

1. What's the stupidest thing I've ever done?

When I was like 7 I thought I was a cannibal for swallowing a tooth ( I will never mention this ever again)

2. Loveable fictional characters who I hate

1.  EZRAN FROM TDP, I HATE CRYBABIES (not counting any of my followers and friends)

2. Zooble (I guess they're a loveable character?)

3. Camilla from Hazbin Horel

3. What percent of my ocs are lgbtq?


4. How I think I'll d1e?

Murd3r or P0ison ( I'm too clueless to realize someone's putting p0ison in my drink/food or that someone is following to k1ll me)

If u want more of this kind of content comment some questions!

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