Prologue : Humble beginnings

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We begin our tale in the land of Sarviacia, where the Lord Tusso de loc and his wife sarvia de si gave birth to their son Deus, Tusso was a cruel man and a cruel ruler, when their son was born he hid him from the world barely feeding or even acknowledging the boy, his mother would often have to get one of the servants to sneak food to him, loafs of bread and cheese or crackers, meals to the point it would not be noticed missing.

Eventually Tusso caught on, and he began giving his son lashings for every crumb he found missing, burning his son with hot irons and coals, sometimes even cutting him with blades, and one would ask why....why would a father do this to his own son.

Well that was simple Tusso was a slimey welp...a coward to worry of his throne getting stolen and losing his rulership over his land to his child but also because...his son had been born with magic...and he could not bear for the world to see someone with his lineage using magic so he kept Deus there for 15 years of his life only letting his son out under vise of being the court jester...a fool for his father's court and his tormentors amusement.

But their was a Brightside to all this pain it was a motivator for him teaching him to use his magic, day by day he practiced just to be strong for himself, learning all about his experiences and his gift, one night he learned how to use seals, symbols of demonic magic from swiping books from the royal library which helped him learn about a way to conjure out spells based off  emotions along with the basic spells learned on his own one step at a time which made him better day after day, after a while food didn't become a problem after weeks he be able to grow apples from dirt piles with magic.

One night after his usual beatings he experimented and he made a breakthrough somehow managing to open a portal to a completely new plain of existence unknown to him...the red sky with a pentagram in the sky interested the boy with a smile on his face as he looked around he saw a symbol...a symbol he is familiar with...the ars goetia sigil and as he glanced around his eyes locked onto a boy about his same age...a large lanky owl demon who seemed to notice him through the window of the palace and in that moment Deus felt sparks their eyes locked and his face went red and as he looked back so was the owl demons...but before he could do anything it shuts in front of him leaving more questions than answers...and years would pass.

Then one year a war broke out between the lands, and Tusso side won but lost many people within the scuffle, as a piece offering Tusso forced Deus to marry the opposing lords daughter Merida, where when they were 22 a union of peace was forged and he was forced to have two heirs....

Years continue to pass till Deus was in his 30s and his sons were naught but boys, Deus was finally free after years...and on the throne, his father had met an unfortunate end choking on poison his mother left in his drink before having to vanish for good, but this...momment of happiness would never last of course, Merida would torment Deus day after deus....and when Deus discovered his  sexual preference with a certain guard captain he had a relationship in secret...he was happy only to have it taken away as she used that against using words such as freak or abomination to describe him for and his sons would comfort him through it all...2 young 15 boys comforting him when he got pushed to his limit, eventually Deus had the courage to take his sons and leave.

"Alright boys...your mother is about to head to that royal meeting this is our chance to finally leave, I had the guards and servant cover for us for a while as well." Deus said with his bags packed ready to leave with his sons hoping to open a portal to a far away land only to hear Merida shout out "Deus you man loving bastard!" Making him lose his focus as a portal opened while Merida tried to stop him only for it to open and have his sons and him stumble through landing infront...of a clock tower...

End of prologue

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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