IV: Tormentor

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We packed up and traveled to another venue, this time it was larger, but still indoors. We did another performance opening up for W.A.S.P., and thankfully, this time Blackie didn't say anything to me. I assumed he's trying "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all" which made me a little sad inside because I wanted to talk to him, but content. I could only think of him during our trip, and he was on my mind during sound check and our performance before W.A.S.P. went on. I decided to stay in the small VIP area at the front of the stage to watch them play.

W.A.S.P. played through a few songs and then it was time for a small intermission. I went backstage with a smile on my face, hyped from watching their concert and ran up behind the band.

"Well, I definitely loved watching you guys up there!" I said.

The only person in the band to really acknowledge my words were Chris Holmes, who kept himself back from the rest of the band to shake my hand again.

"Ha! Fuck yeah! Thanks man, I know your ass loved it!" Chris said with a cheesy grin on his face. The rest of the band kept walking ahead, and a slight feeling of disappointment ran through me, because what I really wanted was Blackie's attention. One of the backstage crew members ran to him before I was able to and pulled him aside to receive a phone call. I stood back on the other side of the hall, a few feet away from him while he spoke. I tried to be nice not to eavesdrop on his conversation, but I couldn't help but hear his random exclamations.

"What? What do you mean, where the hell are you?" Blackie yelled at the phone.

"No, you HAVE to be here, I don't have anybody else here for this! No, even if I have to-" Blackie groaned and slammed the palm of his hand against the wall. "I'll postpone this song until the end then, just get here!"

I could feel the anger radiating from Blackie, and even Chris didn't bother to interrupt him, even though I expected him to because he was so angry. All of the members of W.A.S.P. kind of spread out and started doing their own thing while Blackie yelled and screamed at the phone.

"What the hell! Fine, I just won't do it! Thanks a whole fucking lot, bitch! You've got some great fucking timing to be bringing this shit up to me now. Good riddance!" Blackie slammed the phone down and slammed his fist into the wall in front of him, and screamed. I felt a chill run through me and my feet were planted to the ground, while honestly, all I wanted to do was comfort him in his fit of rage.

"I can't believe she's not coming to my shows anymore..." Blackie groaned as he leaned his head against the wall. I wasn't sure what was going on with him, but I didn't feel right asking him about his situation, and whether or not he'd having a more personal problem that I should avoid asking about.

Chris Holmes spoke up first from around the corner in the next room. "Blackieeeeee... What do you mean 'she's not coming'?"

Blackie took a deep breath and pushed himself off the wall and went into the same room with Chris, to talk to him, Before he closed the door, the last thing he said that was audible to me was "We gotta cut Tormentor."

I gasped and quickly covered my mouth, honestly I could say I was horrified. I know his fans absolutely love that song, of course besides "L.O.V.E. Machine". That was even slightly upsetting to me, and I could imagine ruining Blackie's set plans. Boy, I wouldn't want to be that person, that's for sure!

I could hear Chris ranting and raving in the other room with Blackie, until I saw the door open again and Blackie stormed out.

"Oh for fucks sake, Chris, I am NOT doing that!" Blackie yelled and started walking down the hallway. I noticed Eric walking towards him from the corner of my eye, and Eric bumped right into him because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going when he spotted me. Blackie pushed him to the side yelling "Goddamnit, watch where the fuck you're going, bitch!"

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