Chapter Six

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"I didn't know you could find a musical instrument in a mile of a hunter's village."

Wilbur side-eyed the tone that the Unseelie King used but didn't comment. He had brought his guitar – an instrument he only owned because his brother had managed to sneak one into their home one day for their birthday – as a bargaining chip. He had some things he wanted to interrogate the fae on, and while Q had been pretty open with him in the past, if the fae had decided to betray him, it would be useful to have something to use against him. And music tended to be something the fae enjoyed exchanging for gifts.

Maybe he was being too paranoid, especially after everything he had already trusted the fae with. His name was a far worse thing to exploit compared to his songs, after all. But after that dream, he wasn't so certain. At least, not until he's certain that there hadn't been any tampering of his dreams on the fae's part.

Wilbur placed his guitar down, "I figured I could play us a little tune after a meal. If you wouldn't mind answering some questions."

"You can ask me anything you want, cariño," the fae purred, "You don't need to bribe me."


Q smirked, "It means honey. And not the food kind."

"Such a charmer," he rolled his eyes, which was undercut by the warmth he felt creep up his face.

"You know it, pretty boy," the other replied.

Wilbur shoved a bowl into the fae's face, "Just eat your food."

The Unseelie King laughed a little at that, before he accepted the food easily. It was an odd sight, the Unseelie King seated on a thin, winter blanket – the only thing that Wilbur could easily swipe without anyone noticing during the day – and easily accepted his meal without any bars or chains in the way. The cage remained behind him, with the door wide open.

Wilbur looked away as the King ate, he focused on his own guitar instead. Far, far too embarrassed and shy to watch the fae. He had been unable to procure any fae specific food, at least not without potentially tipping off his family and the rest of the village as to what he got up to late at night. So, instead, he had to get just a little bit creative. But if he had learned anything since meeting the Unseelie King, it was that he was willing to do stupid things for those that he cared about.

"You... are playing a dangerous game, Wilbur."

The witch looked the fae straight in the eyes, "What do you mean?"

Q's eyes glowed a bright red as he took another mouthful of the meat stew. Wilbur tried to fight the blush he felt stain his face at the look the fae gave him.

"Sneaking your own blood into a stew?" the Unseelie Fae hummed with a smirk, "Are you trying to test me?"

Wilbur looked away, "You need more strength, and I didn't have anything better."

"Oh? Is that so?" The fae's hand cupped the witch's cheek and tilted his head towards him, "Is that the only reason though?"

Wilbur felt the way his face burned hotter, "Yes."

There was a laugh, Q stroked his check before he pulled away, "Sometimes I think you're intelligent beyond measure, and sometimes I think you're the most stupid person I have ever met."

"And you're as annoying as you are charming" Wilbur retorted.

The fae laughed once more but settled down and returned to his meal. Wilbur hadn't expected that slipping his blood into the stew would go completely unnoticed, but he did think all he'd get would have been a flirty remark before the fae moved on. No, instead he got thoroughly teased by the Unseelie King who is far too amused by his medical treatment. Wilbur tried to distract himself by tuning his guitar, refusing to make eye contact with the other.

Burning Iron and Honey Sweet Promises (TNTDUO/Quackbur)Where stories live. Discover now