~*Happy Life Day*~

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You had never seen such a beautiful sight. The streets were all decked out with strings of twinkling lights and glittering glow globes. Music and laughter filled the air. All the while, snow fell softly to the ground.

It was Life Day. A time for celebrating family and friends, those that were loved the dearest. And you were so grateful to be sharing it with your three favorite people.

"I'd be careful if I were you, kiddo!" You called out from the bench. "That patch of ice over there looks kind of rough!"

"What, I don't see any...OW!"

You tried your best not to laugh. There sat poor Obi-Wan on the rink floor, ice crystals in his hair, a pout on his face.

"I thought you said you knew how to skate, young one?" Qui-Gon teased the teen as he glided on over. Offering his hand, he added with a small smirk. "Or was that just a boastful lie?"

Obi let out a heavy sigh as he was hauled back up onto his feet. "I assumed the force would guide and show me the way. I suppose skating is a lot harder than it looks."

"It is," Qui replied, clapping him on the shoulder. "However, the less you think about its difficulty – the easier it becomes."

Obi-Wan gave a determined nod.

"Good," Qui-Gon chuckled. "Now why don't you go give that a try and remember – just have fun."

"I will," Obi beamed up at him. "I promise." The youth then raced off into the crowd of fellow holiday-goers, grinning the whole time.

Qui lingered for a moment, before coming to join the two of you.

"Well, took you long enough," you giggled in greeting as he sat down beside you.

"Hello, to the both of you too," he replied warmly. Placing a kiss on the top of your head and a large hand on your stomach.

A slight blush dusted your cheeks, your hand coming to rest atop his. "I don't think I've ever seen Obi-Wan look so happy," you said fondly, watching the teen make another lap around the rink.

"Agreed," Qui-Gon nodded, a small smile on his face. "It would seem life outside the temple suits us all quite well."

Your heart swelled with joy. Part of you had worried that the decision to leave the order was a mistake. But, hearing him say such things and seeing your boys truly at peace, you knew the right choice had been made.

"Thank you," you whispered, leaning against him. "Thank you for giving me a family, for such a wonderful Life Day present."

"I should be saying the same to you, dear one," Qui muttered, wrapping a strong arm around you. "If it weren't for you and Obi-Wan, I would be nothing but a lonely, old man."

You gave him a playful nudge. "Stop it, you're not old. You wouldn't be able to keep up with Obi if you were."

Qui-Gon hummed appreciatively at your words. "Speaking of our son, when do you plan on telling him he's going to be a big brother?"

Gazing out over the ice, you smiled softly as you spotted a waving Obi-Wan. "Today, I thought it would make a nice memory for our first Life Day together...all four of us."

Pulling you in closer, Qui-Gon murmured. "I couldn't think of a more perfect way to celebrate."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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Love's In Our Hearts On Life Day *Part 1* (Qui-Gon x KnightReader)Where stories live. Discover now