The Master Benevolous

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Broadfell Prison, Christmas Eve 2009.

It has been a year since the Fall of London at the hands of the Time Lord Victorious and his hordes of Cybermen. The staff of the prison, led by a woman named Miss Trefusis, is preparing a resurrection ritual to revive Harold Saxon, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The group wasn't aware of the fact that "Harold Saxon" is just one of the many aliases the deranged renegade Time Lord known as the Master used to conquer Earth.

But this "cult" didn't want to revive the Master to let him conquer the planet: They're reviving him to save the planet from the Victorious.

The cultists poured various potions into a bowl. Miss Trefuriss threw the Master's ring inside the bowl, and the ritual began.

The staff stood in the circle, as the bowl began draining their life energy.

The draining became faster and faster and, the instant their lifeless bodies dropped on the floor, a man came out from the bowl: the Master.

He was young-looking. He had a round face with light blond hair and dark brown eyes.

He looked at his body, and maniacally laughed, happy that he was alive once again.

Then, he stole some clothes, black trousers, and a hoodie, and left the room.

However, as he explored the prison, he noticed how empty and...Ruined it was.

"Huh, how weird." the Master thought, as he kept exploring until he found the exit.

What he saw was...Interesting for him.

London was in ruins, with Cybermen marching and looking for human survivors.

"...What happened?" the Master thought slightly confused. "There are Cybermen everywhere..." He went outside.

"ORGANIC-LIFEFORM-DETECTED." A Cyberman noticed the Master.

"Shit!" the Master tried to run away, but the Cybermen immediately surrounded him.

"Unhand me at once!" the deranged Time Lord ordered.

The Cyberman scanned the Master. "TWO-HEARTS-DETECTED. YOU-ARE-A-TIME-LORD."

"Yes, I am! I am the Master!" the Master said, annoyed.

"WHAT-SHOULD-WE-DO, CYBER-LEADER?" One of the Cybermen asked.


"Who's the Victorious?" the Master asked.


The Cybermen dragged the Master away.

Later, at the Time Lord Victorious' tower, the Victorious was drinking a cup of tea. He was young, skinny, and good-looking. He had thick dark brown hair with sideburns and was wearing Gallifreyan traditional garments.

The Cyberleader entered the room.

"What is it, Cyberleader? Can't you see I'm busy?" the Victorious asked.


"Oh, wow! What a surprise!" the Victorious sarcastically said.

"THEY-ARE-A-TIME-LORD." The Cyberleader concluded.

The Victorious' expression changed from an annoyed one to one of confusion. "W-What? Bring him here!"


Two Cybermen brought the Master into the room and the Victorious' eyes widened when he saw who the prisoner was.

"What?" he whispered.

The Master looked in confusion at the Victorious. "Doctor?"

"Wha-How did you-How did you survive?!"

"Since when I'm supposed to be dead, I stay dead?" the Master said. "And I should be asking questions here! What the hell happened here?!"

"I conquered Earth." the Victorious said.

The Master raised an eyebrow, "You? Conquering Earth and enslaving humans? Don't make me laugh, that usually is my job! What happened?"

"I told you, I did all this. I conquered Earth and enslaved the humans. And I'm preparing to conquer more." the Victorious said.

Normally the Master wouldn't mind this dark side of the Victorious, or rather, the Doctor. But this time...Something felt wrong, so wrong. The Victorious' expressions, his dissonant calmness, made the Master feel feelings he hadn't felt in a long time...Worry and Fear.

"What happened to you?"
The Victorious smirked. "I never thought I would hear a worried tone from you, Master."

"No wonder! I'm supposed to be the power-mad bloodthirsty conqueror, not you!" The other Time Lord objected. "Where is the Doctor?! The annoying goody-two-shoes with a human fetish that wanted to protect those primitives?!"

"The Doctor is dead, Master. He's no longer here." the Victorious said. "Only the Victorious."

The Cybermen burst inside the room.

"Now then, Master, what about my Cybermen show you my Headquarters, hmm?" the Victorious said.

"Me? Working for you? Hah! I'd rather be dead!"!"

"Alright then. Guards, kill him." the Victorious said.

The Cybermen marched towards the Master.

Luckily, he managed to outrun them and escape from the room.

"Get him!" the Victorious ordered the Cybermen, who immediately started chasing him. "It's not fun when you're the one getting chased, eh, Master?!"

The Master eventually arrived in a metallic room with screams of pain echoing inside.

"Must be the Cyber-conversion room." he thought. "A window, a window...I need a window!"

He frantically looked for one. At last, he managed to find an exit, a trash chute.

He was ready to jump...But unfortunately, a Cyberman electrocutes him before he can react.

But, with his last forces, the Master jumped in the chute, escaping from the Cybermen.

The Master reached the outside, far away from the tower.

As he lay unconscious, his hands started emitting a golden glow: He was regenerating.

A golden flame-like energy engulfed the Master's body as the regeneration process.

A group of soldiers, belonging to what remains of the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce (UNIT) patrolled the zone.

One of the soldiers noticed the unconscious freshly-regenerated Master.

"Hey! Over here!" he said. "I found an unconscious woman here!"

And thus, the UNIT soldiers brought back to their base the unconscious Master. Or rather...

... The Mistress.

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