Chapter eight: The next day

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Chapter eight: The next day...

When the next day came around the ten males were seated at a long table when they saw not only Amaya but four other people they didn't know. Zen-One of the two people sitting by Amaya looked to her sadly. "Princess...You aren't going to say anything to me aren't you?"

"Amaya say something this early in the morning? You're a funny Albino! You'd be lucky to get a smile out of my big sister." A brunette female said with her arms crossed

"Miss Maya, please just eat your breakfast." Enzo said sincerely

"Enzo you're really going to be formal with all of us aren't you?" The brunette female asked with a sigh

"I've been trained to treat all of those with Royal blood with respect, so yes." Enzo said with a nod.

"Maya stop being a bitch and just eat your food before I force you to." Amaya said coldly after she took a sip of her orange juice.

Maya looked to her sister shocked before she looked down sadly. "Y-Yes sister. I apologize."

"Now you've done it, you should have just kept your mouth shut Maya." The elder brunette male said at the end of the table.

"Zeff, can you please explain to the ten males here just what is expected of them. My head hurts too much from bringing them all here." Amaya said as she held her head with one of her hands.

"Of course little sister." The male said with a nod before he took a deep breath and sighed out. "Alright let's start with a bit of an intro for those you don't know that you will need to be acquainted with for a while. My name is Zeff, I'm Amaya's elder sister-Any of you hurt my younger sister and you'll deal with me personally."

"I'm Maya, I'm her youngest sister." Maya said with a weak smile

"I'm Starla, her younger sister and the elder twin of Rona." A brunette said sitting beside Enzo.

"I'm Rona, the younger sister Starla and Amaya." A brunette said with a grin sitting beside Kanato.

"Amaya has told you that you all are soul bound to an object yes?" Zeff asked

"Yeah, she said that two of us to an object." Saeran said with a nod

"Usually you all would get your own object but Amaya isn't that strong, so she had to make into duo's. Now how you boys are sitting is for a reason."

All of them were quiet before Enzo spoke up. "To Amaya's left which is the side that Rona and Maya is sitting on is the side that the males that have one shot to prove to Amaya that you are worthy of her time and heart."

"Correct Enzo. And the side that Enzo is on has two chances to prove to her that you are worthy of her time and heart. Once you have blown your chance or chances the object will no longer respond to you." Zeff said seriously

"Respond? What do you mean by that?" Kanato asked confused

"Do you have my pentagram still Kanato?" Amaya asked

Kanato took it out of his pocket. "Of course."

"Place the pentagram on your hand Kanato." Amaya stated

He did as she asked and it glowed purple within his hand, his eyes widen before he looked to Amaya. "Why is this glowing?"

"That's because it's soul bound to you, now give it to Subaru for a moment." Amaya said with a sigh

He did as she told him and subaru placed it in his palm only for it to glow white. "This has to do with the pillars doesn't it?" Subaru asked curiously

Amaya smiled as she leaned against the table. "Smart boy for a ditcher, yes. Yes it does. The color pillar that represents all of you is the color that the item will glow when you touch it. Now when you mess up totally it won't glow at all." Amaya stated

"How come I only have one shot to show the fact that I love you Amaya?" Zen asked sadly

"You did that all on your own last night, I don't have the time or the effort to pinpoint all the things that you did and said wrong last night." Amaya said before she got up

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