Took You Guys Long Enough

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Bruce P.O.V

I walk into the meeting with my... falcon. See... Loki tried to seperate Hulk and i soul. Now hulk can change to whatever he wants so.... falcon it is. So i walk into the room to see a very relieved Fury.

"Bruce! You make us worried! We thought you been kidnapped by Loki..." did he just.... realized that Loki is on Earth right now? Wow, took you guys long enough. They just realized after 2 years?

"What?! HE'S ESCAPE!!! Okay.... im fine... put your guns down." I started freaking out. Hulk(in falcon form)started freaking out too, he started to flapping his wings but... he is more worried about Loki's safety than ours.

"So..... what's your plan to get him?" I ask casually. "Well, check all the citizens (spelling maybe?) Camera. All cctv to our base." All nodded. I roll my eyes to that and muttered "you all really stupid." Suddenly, all were silent. I look up to see all the people in the meeting room looked at me." What?!" They go back to their work.

*time skip (at the tower)*

Ehehehehehe....... its been 1 freaking week and we dont have any clue about Loki. Any. single. One. I can see Tony preety freaked out, even the calm and composed Natasha is showing emotion....

But i've been worried, though. Currently me and my team is on the Avengers floor... well, currently we are banned from the outside world for a few....... days, weeks, months maybe? And so far there are not monster attack. Well, i know my scent isn't that strong... but.... this is freaky.... even for a demigod like me....

Oh no, i never told Percy, or Loki of my whereabout...... and i dont have any drachma with me right now. Sucks right? I just has my necklace wich can change to sword,knife,or my bow and arrow. And..... currently Hulk is in my pocket right now, as a Hamster. I dont know why is he choose that form....

"So how long we gonna banned from the outside world in this fucking tower!" Clint said. "Langguage!!!" Steve yelled as the same time Tony said " Hey, i take offence to that!" Same old...... team. As i heard crash on the roof.

"Well, guess what?! Were gonna get out of this tower sooner than i thought!" I said, panicking.

Hulk, you hear me? Take care the monsters that crash in the roof of the stark tower. Then meet me at the camp. Get it?

I'm on it. Can i Smash?!

Uh..... yeah. Just don't break anything that will piss Tony off.

with that i throw the Hamster in my hand out of the balcony. (Okay, really. That sounds cruel.) In an instant Hulk change to falcon and fly up.

"Guys, to the garage!" Without question(i wish) they go to the garage " get in!" They get in to one of the S.H.I.E.L.D jeep/van thing.(car that in the winter soldier)

I step to the gas and sped up to the directions of Camp Half Blood, Long Island. "Bruce, where are we going?!" My smile was almost evil. " you see...."


Author note.........

Im sorry guys im not update sooner. Its just...... i thought that no one read this...... fanfic so..... i like see all the vote and then.... you know... like that.

I just keeped up to reading fanfic that i forgot my own story.

Dont forget to:


Byeeee.... ^_^

~Delia s.

(mah real name)

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