A Letter to My Bird

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Dear Bird,

You asked me, "Do you have a bird?"

I shook my head no.

I didn't want to talk to you.

You'd annoyed me for what felt like ages.

But it was only a few weeks.

Then you asked me an even stranger question.

"Do you want a bird?"

I once again shook my head no.

Though here I am two days later.

Wondering if my answers would be different now.

If you asked me, "Do you have a bird?" again.

I'd still shake my head no.

But in my head, I'd say yes.

If you asked me, "Do you want a bird?" again.

Once again, I'd shake my head no.

But in my head, I'd say, "I don't want or need one when I already have one."

Within the span of two days, you flipped my answers around.

Not sure how you did it.

But you did.

Within both of those days, you saw me cry.

I'm crying while writing this as well.

But you won't see that.

You saw me cry at math.

Due to my perfectionism, though, you don't know that.

You saw me cry at lunch.

Since my anxiety was so high, I couldn't eat.

That's been happening for days.

But again, you don't know that.

Both times, you gave me this look like you cared.

Which in my brain altered how I feel about you.

In my head, I know you don't care.

Or you feel pity.

No matter which one it is, it's not a nice thing to know.

When I'm just realizing my feelings for you.


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