𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓃𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊?

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Since I was little, I had a dream of owning a bakery in the heart of France, Paris. Now- it was all as I was told, just a dream. Well, what I have now isn't really so off- but it's not some world famous pastry and coffee seller in the most popular city in the world. When I turned 15 my grandma had introduced me to her small cafe in the sunshine state, Florida- I know, fancy. I fell in love, it was everything I could've imagined, beautiful decor and so many different pastries, coffees, drinks and all. Back in 2021 my grandparents both passed and left this place to me- my mom wasn't the happiest about it, that's for sure. She was like "You're too young to run your own business-" Soon she realized how happy it made me and was all for it, now here I am, owner of the "Cafe Blake." Blake is my last name so I had no problem with the name, anytime I'd see it I'd always think of my grandmother. Without further ado, welcome to~

"It's you that's changing me-"



~Dramatic Alarm~

The sound of my phone ringing over and over again always found its way to piss me off. I threw my hand over and snatched my phone from the night stand, forcefully pushing the stop button, a groan of annoyance ripping through me. It was 5:30 am, which meant a hour and a half until the cafe opens, that's plenty of time, I hope. Every morning was the same, get up, wake my ass up with coffee, set up shop and boom, cafe is open for the day! Sound easy right, HA sure. I mean- it wasn't too bad, when I wasn't the only one opening. But, when your longest worker decides to destroy to shop after being caught stealing, its totally fun. I've been solo for about a month, I'm slowly get use to it. There would be days I get stress, mostly the morning rush, after 12 it's get really empty which is helpful. I honestly love it though, it's calm and peaceful, I've made plenty of friends, when I mean plenty I mean like 3- but that's enough right? Well- it is for me. I slipped out of bed and stretched my arms over my head before slipped on the clothes I took of before going to bed to night before. I sluggishly stepped out onto my balcony- the ragging sound of car honking and driving filled the air, annoy for the morning honestly. I leaned over the railing as is grabbing my boxes of cigarettes before the coffee table before lighting it. I've been told " that stuff will kill you," or "you're too young to be smoking." I usually just ignore it, here's the thing, I have what's called POTS or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, technically it I either get up too fast, get really anxious, sleep too long or anything to that sort I pass out, fun right? After my grandparents passed it hit be pretty heard, making me fall into depression which caused me to start smoke. After a few months I noticed that smoke as really helped with my disorder, how? I ain't go no clue, buddy! I finished the stick before pushing it into an ashtray before slipping into the get ready for the day.

~Mini time skip~

"What's up partner in crime~" I looked up from the counter, currently making a cup of mint tea for a customer. "Hi Ariel, give me a sec hun, let me finish this up!" She simply nodded her head before chilling at one of the tables. I finished this older ladies order before with ease, she was honestly the sweetest person ever, one of my regulars. "Alright Diana, you're all set, say hi to Sammy for me!" Sammy was her husband, they were truly the sweetest people. It's was around 4:30 pm, the cafe closes at 5 so now was the time I'd start cleaning up.
"Hey stranger-" I greeted Ariel, flicking her shoulder to get her attention away from her phone, she flinched and glared up at me only to flick me back. "Okay- okay, I'm sorry." I held my arm in defense from her before she got up and gave me a hug, I softly hugged back, finding it to really help from todays morning rush. "You look like ass-" I stared at her wide eyes and huffed at her. "Sure thing rudolf-" I teased back at her, she'd just recently got over a coke so her nose was still red. She nudged my arm before changing the subject. "How you been, running the shop okay?" I simply shrugged my shoulder, meaning it was okay, not too stressful but still challenging. "You know- if you like this place so much, the job offer is still on the table-" I said to her, wiggling my eyebrows at her, to which she snickered at me. "I love you with all my heart but we're I work now is amazing, no offense!"
"It's fine Ariel, I know how much you like working there I won't guilt trip you." I looked down at my watch seeing that it was almost 5 and I haven't even started cleaning yet. "Shit- I gotta close up, you head home safely okay?" I planted a kiss of her cheek before heading for my supplies closet , grabbing everything I needed. "Love you Freya!" I heard her yelled from the cafe entrance and I waved from the closet. This was honestly the best part of today, just cleaning everything and making sure I won't have to do it in the morning. Takes stress off my back and I can easily just open up. A little bit later though I have to run a few errands like the store and flower shop. I have what's called the follow of the day in the cafe so I change out the flowers daily, I wanted to grab some Spider Lilies for tomorrow. It was about 5:15, thankfully no one came by before closing so I just switched off the open sign, closed the shades and called it a day.
I ended up just changing my shoes before leaving cause it looked like it was gonna rain and there was no way I was walking in the rain with heels. I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out, oh I should probably mention. When it comes to the cafe there was a sweet bonus I got with it, I live right above the main building! There a staircase in the back that leads up to an apartment, which is mine. The days that I'd stay with my grandparents, I sleep there, the room I'm staying in is the same room I'd slept in when I was younger. I slipped out the back door of the cafe towards the parking lot, my car being the only one left. Not to brag or anything but my car is my baby, a 1997 Mazda Miata if I do say so myself! But then again, not to brag or anything. The drive was calm for a moment but being in such a big city at 5pm traffic is hell on earth. I honestly could've just walked but with it wanting to rain I wasn't taking that chance. I made it to the flower shop maybe 10 minutes later, it was practically empty which was nice.


"Hi welcome in!" I saw miss Tanner at the counter and she smiled at me, I waved at her before looking around for my desired flower, I luckily found them and grabbed about 3, bringing them up to the counter. "Hi hunny!" She greeted me again. "Hi Miss Tanner, how has today been?" I asked nicely. "Oh it's been just lovely dear, how has the shop been for ya?"  She has this strong southern accent that always made me smile, anytime she spoke it was simply beautiful to me. "Same as usual, calming beside the morning rush." She laughed softly while setting up my flowers for tomorrow, I brought out my wallet, knowing to pay about 5 dollars for them. "$5 I take it?" I asked, and she nodded at me. "You know it, beautiful chose by the way, this for tomorrow daily flower?" "Yep! They're my favorites." I softly laid the cash on the counter for her and she switched the cash with the flowers that were nicely wrapped, as she always did. "Alright darling you get home safe you hear me?" She said sternly, patting my shoulder. "Yes miss Tanner, I always do~" I waved her off being heading out the door, the bell timing as it opened.


"I know Ariel- I'm almost home! Ill check what you sent me when I got home you tiktok freak!" I teased her, she was connected to my car speaker but I had to move her to my phone as I walked out of my car. I took a few steps towards the back door of the cafe, the lights still on inside, guess I forgot to turn them off. I almost made it to the door but I froze to the sound of something falling in the alley next door, I felt my heart either stop or beat faster I honestly couldn't tell. I held the phone up my ear again, my eyes not leaving the direction of the sound. "Hey ari- I'll call you back.." That was all I said when I hung up, pushing my phone in my pocket and softly laying down my flowers by the door. I slowly walked over and peaked my head around the corner, I looked around for a moment only to see some guy collapsed on the ground. "What the hell?" I asked, fully moving from around the corner towards the guy, this area was known for someone to randomly pass out in an alley. I kneeled next to him, assessing an injures, there were some bruised and scratches but nothing severe. I went to ask him if he was okay but he moved again pushing himself upright and trying to stand, "Hey- hold on!" I got up after him, seeing as he was dazed and incoherent and tried to walk only to stumble back down, this time I managed to keep him from falling. "Hey- easy, easy."
What the hell was I getting myself into, any normal person would leave him or call 911, HA not me. "Come one, lets get you inside before it rains.." He didn't seem hostile or anything- I got no response from him so I simply walked him inside, placing him on the couch by the entrance, what the hell am I gonna do? I just brought a complete stranger into my house, he looks like a mess, he's wearing some weird ass uniform looking outfit. Should I call someone?? My mind was running miles a minute and I was stressing myself out- damnit! My wrist watch started to beep and it sensed my heart rate was increase. I paused for a moment taking a few deeps breathes as the beeps slowly went away. I sighed before look back at the guy on my couch. I walked around the couch, hovering my hand over his forehead checking for a fever or any sort of temperature difference, no fever at least.. I sighed again, kneeling beside the couch, confused out of my mind. Looking at him, he seem- I don't know, peaceful? He had a few cuts on his face so I got up a grabbed Neosporin and bandages. I softly covered his cuts and scratches to the best of my ability before just looking at. It was silent for a minute before I whispered, "What happen to you..?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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