Chapter 2- The Announcement

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Poppy, Sunny, Skyler, and Ruby were waiting casually in the commons, keeping an eye out for Miss Wright. Ruby's theory was probably right- the De'Vious twins were waiting right by the big double doors close to the office.

"What are you guys up to?"

Jade, Bella, Amaya, and Violet had come out to join them, as Sunny had texted Vi to meet up with the rest of the group. 

"Anticipating the next big event of Rainbow High, that's what." Poppy had her chin in her hands, anxiously bouncing her legs. "I can't stand it!"

Amaya sat next to Poppy on one of the plush white benches, brushing a strand of teased rainbow hair out of her eyes. "What I'VE heard about Rainbow Vision is there's more to it than just the music focuses performing. The teachers usually enlist the students to put together sets, do costumes and makeup, film the whole thing... it's so exciting!" 

"Costume and stage makeup is the BEST." Jade agreed. "I'd love to get in on this whole thing." 

"Don't tell anyone, but River and I have already been pre-selected to host the Rainbow Vision Broadcast this year!" Violet put in.

"Really?" Bella asked. "Honestly, I'd have expected you to have spilled to your followers by now." 

"Okay, I'm not THAT obsessed with my fans..." Violet playfully shoved Bella, and they giggled.

Just then, the big white double doors opened and the headmistress stepped through. The De'Vious twins quickly rushed to greet her, falling in on either side of her stride. 

"Miss Wright! We're so excited to be Rainbow Vision hosts this year!" Laurel gushed. "Would you like us to silence the students?" 

The girls narrowed their eyes as they watched the twins. Luckily, Miss Wright brushed them aside and shuffled her papers in order. She flipped her glossy indigo bob behind her ears as she climbed the stairs to make the announcement. 


Her stern, clear voice carried effortlessly out into the commons. 

"As you know, our school is preparing to host Rainbow Vision for the consecutive 45th year in a row. There is much to do in the next 3 weeks before the event officially starts. I am going to be posting both the audition sheets for entries, and signup sheets for behind the scenes work outside of my office."

She paused, adjusting her glasses ever so slightly. 

"This is a big responsibility and all eyes will be on us. Do this school proud."

Miss Wright walked back down the marble steps, heels clicking as she went. The commons burst into an excited babble. 

"You guys! It's happening! Our first Rainbow Vision! We all HAVE to do something for it!" Ruby grinned.

The girls agreed and started talking excitedly, imagining what they'd be able to take a part in. No one really noticed as Sunny sat in the background, slumping a bit. There wasn't much use for her skills; especially because they were focusing on physical sets. 

Violet tapped Sunny on the shoulder. "What's with the gloomy face?"

Sunny frowned. "I don't think this is really up my alley-way this time around." She shrugged it off. "I hope you guys all have fun though. Huh, I have a LOT of animation homework to catch up on!"

The yellow haired girl forced a yawn. "Sleepy face emoji, I am TIRED! Catch you later, okay?"

Violet still looked concerned, but let Sunny go. 

Just then, a melodic voice filled everyone's ears. "Poppy! I had a question!" 

Everyone stepped aside to make room for Daria Roselyn, a concert violinist and fellow music focus of Poppy's. "Girl, what do you say we team up for Rainbow Vision? Together we make enough musical variety that it could be a whole thing!" Poppy jumped up and grabbed her hands. "YES! That would be fly!" 

The pair headed towards the signup sheets, and everyone else casually followed to try and secure their own spots in their respective fields.

Violet took a quick glance to where Sunny had walked off to, but she was nowhere to be seen. She sighed and followed her friends.


Sunny shoved her hands in the pockets of her plush hoodie, humming sadly to herself. Surely there was SOMETHING she could do. She didn't like missing out on what her friends were doing. Maybe the tech room? No, the theatre production focuses would be in there. Maybe she could edit footage for television? But that'd be a film focus strength. She vaguely wondered what Violet was up to now. 

Just then, the Sailor Moon theme started playing. Her ringtone. Sunny fished her phone out of her pocket and blanched. 

The caller was a person she hadn't talked to since the beginning of the school year. 

She took a short breath and pressed accept, holding the phone to her ear. 


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