YSCB: chapter one

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(Raewoo's P.O.V)


Ughhh...what the..?shut up alarm clock. You ruin my sleep. I woke up and take a shower after shower put my color blue top and short. I brush my hair,toothbrush and done. I walk down in the kitchen and saw breakfast i grab it and eat. Then i saw a note on paper.

Dear Raewoo
Goodmorning sleepyhead eat your breakfast huh? I woke up earlier than you so i cook that food. Go out if you want but come back before 11 arraso? Bye im at work. Saranghae~~~~
-love yongrim unnie

Oh! Good idea. Then i walk up in room and change my short to a black skinny jeans. My unnie works at café shop for us. Thats why i love her. 'I miss you now umma and appa how are you kyuneul? I hope you all happy there.' I said to myself. I walk in the living room and get the house key it's okay unnie have another one. I walk in the street and go to a park. It seems peace no one is here I thought. I walk near the bench and sat down.
"I wish your here omma. I really miss you all even appa and kyuneul i love you all. If that sh*t druken driving in the car didn't drive you three is not dead right now." I said while crying. I saw a hand its a boys hand with handkerchief.
"Here.... Dont cry." I took a glance at him and look away.

"Thanks but no thanks." I wipe my tears with my hands and stand up and look at him. He's taller than me. A little bit.

"Whats your name? Why are you crying? I heard it you said you missed your omma,appa and? Who's that again?" Many questions!?
"Uhmm..my n-name is Raewoo. Nae~ i miss my mom. I have brother named Kyuneul." Hey! I didn't want to talk to strangers!!
"Ahhh annyeonghaseyo Kim Taehyung imnida just call me V" he smiled so cute! Wait what?
"Uhm...oh... I have to go now. Nice to meet you. Annyeong." I said with normal face. I didn't smile,laugh,tell jokes whatever else..
" okay annyeong~~~" then i walk home.
After i arrived home unnie is there
"Annyeonghaseyo Raewoo-ah!! How's today?" Unnie ran to me and hug me and hug her back
"Its fine" then i release the hug and walk in my room.
"Youre not going to eat?" I shook my head
"Im not hungry" o sad with a serious face not smiling okay!? I dont like smiling.([A/N]: eh? Not smiling. You better smile. You look like ugly ass if you dont smile)
Shut up author i don't like smiling. Okay back to story.

I take a shower change to pj's and a color white top. And jump in my bed. I close my eyes slowly sleeping.
*knock knock knock*
What the fvck! I want to sleep.
"What now?!!?" I saw unnie
"Im enrolling you to school tomorrow appa send me money." She smile
"Uhgg....! Arraso! Get out i want to sleep! You ruined it!" I yell
"Okay bye goodnight." Then i close the door jump on my bed and quickly fall asleep.

[A/N]: How was it? Is it good?
Sorry for misspelled or wrong grammar.
I hope you like it....
Saranghae!! ♥♥♥ ★★

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