Chapter two; Captain's Argument

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I was minding my own business, watching the open ocean from up in my crowsnest, when I heard yelling coming from the deck below. I looked down, Misty was there with Oakley in front of Scott.

"What the fuck have you been doing around Jazzy!?" Scott yelled.

"Nothing! I haven't seen him since I last gave him his meal." Misty replied as I began to climb out of the crows nest.

"BULL SHIT!" Scott yelled back. Leon walked by in front of Mary. "Leon!" Leon looked surprised and scared, hesitantly walking over.

"What did I do this time?" He asked.

"You hung out with Jazzy! That's fucking what!" Scott looked pissed.

I ran over to Mary, "Mary! What's going on!?" She was fixing the sails on captains orders.

"I don't know, Scott came out of the cell place and started yelling at the others." Mary explained, her Hispanic accent visible as usual. "Should we get Crimson?"

"I was just about to. You go find Silver and I'll get Crimson." I instructed, noticing Silver wasn't at the wheel but Aaron was.

"Okay," Mary agreed, tying the knot for the sails and running off. I ran to Crimson's cabin as fast as I could, the lights were on as always. My knock sounded a little more like a pound.

"Yes?" I heard Crimson call.

"Dad!" I yelled in a half panic.

"The doors unlocked Mac," he said nonchalantly. I busted the door open, panting faintly. The sounds of yelling and fighting were clear as the current sea. "What's wrong?" Crimson stood, map closed, compass upside down.

"Scott, Misty, Oakley, and I think Leon are fighting!" I blurted out, ignoring the waking dog next to Crimson's desk.

"What?!" Crimson exclaimed. He had obviously heard the yelling, I hoped. But probably didn't think much of it.

"On the deck!" I told him. My father's chair pushed back as he quickly walked through the cabin. He grabbed his rapier next to the door, putting it in its scabbard using his uncut hand. He left his hat hung by the door, where it was before I walked in. I followed him out to the deck, watching how his deep blue tailcoat flapped in the wind with each step he took.

By the time we got back to the fight, Scott, Misty, and Oakley were screaming at each other, about to go hand to hand like last night. Crimson ran up to them, pulling Scott and Misty away from each other. Keeping a tight grip on Misty's wrist just a second longer than he did with Scott. I'm not sure how that didn't hurt, he was using his left hand, the one with white cloth, I thought it would've healed more by now.

"ENOUGH." His booming voice caught everyone's attention. I noticed most of the crew was on the main deck now, watching this unfold. Mary ran up from below deck with Silver, his hands tainted black with the ash of gunpowder. As he walked closer the reek of soot in his clothes grew stronger. "What is the meaning of this!?" Crimson looked at all four of them.

"Scott attacked us!" Oakley claimed. Crimson rolled his eyes, turning to Scott.

"What happened? One at a time! Scott?" Crimson got the others to quiet so only one could speak at a time. Silver walked over to me, looking confused.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"We're about to find out," I responded.

"Crimson! I did what you asked. I gave Jazzy his meal of the day. He told me that Misty's been feeding him more and talking to him, same with Oakley talking to him, and that Leon has been going down to "hang out". And they just started talking shit about you too. Misty and Oakley are saying they don't care and they'll do what they want. Leon didn't really say anything." Crimson looked at the other three.

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