the completion and the raid

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Michael awakens from his sleep to rebel Millie yelling for everyone to wake up

Michael: eh, 5 more minutes

Rebel Millie: no we need to get you some weapons so we can do this raid successfully

Michael: fine, I will get dressed

Rebel Millie: what do you mean get dressed you are already wearing clothes 

Michael: oh yeah, I guess I just put on my helmet then

Michael gets dressed and heads to the armory with rebel Millie and he finds a sawed-off 12 gauge double barrel shotgun and he twirls it in his hand before putting it over his shoulder

Michael: groovy

Rebel Millie: oh you saw Evil Dead 2 as well

Michael: yeah it's a good movie

Rebel Millie: you know there is a sequel to that right?

Michael: really?

Rebel Millie: yeah it's called Army of Darkness

Michael: hmm, I'm going to have to watch that sometime

Hellhound Michael: hey I hate to ruin your little chat but we gotta move

Rebel Millie: right, let's move

Michael: back to battle I go


richtofen: ha ha i have done it

Richthofen does some calculations on the new universe

Richthofen: intriguing it seems that time is distorted between the universes It has been 2 months for us but it has only been 2 days for him, we can't wait any longer to get him

Richthofen again calls everyone and they soon arrive and find him at the teleporter

Loona: this better work or I swear I will mount your head to my wall

Richthofen: it will and if I shall inform you, it may have been two months for us but for him, it's only been 2 days and only 5 people can go in the teleporter that's why I only want me, Loona, Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie going

Moxxie: wait why do you have to go

Richthofen: I am a scientist do you know how much value this knowledge has to me

Blitzo: well I guess we should get going

Richthofen activates the teleporter and a blue light comes from inside as the teleporter roars to life and feeds off of the 115

the five of them step in and the teleporter roars and blue lightning comes out before they all teleport away

Dempsey: ah, that reminds me of old times, but what do we do now that we are just alone without anyone other than us and a few of Richthofen's scientists

Nikolai: I don't know maybe get drunk

Dempsey: I can't believe I'm saying this but Nikolai, you're a damn genius


Michael and the rebels are raiding a supply depot and it's going well but there is a lot more defense than was expected and it is a stalemate right now as the rebels have dug in for the night making this raid a full-blown battle... a few miles away the five who teleported make it to the universe where Michael is

Richthofen: it says he is this way

Loona: you better be right

Richthofen knows what's gonna happen if he is wrong as he nervously laughs

Richthofen: I assure you that my tech is flawless

Moxxie: yeah like that time you made the office a mini teleporter and it teleported a zombie into the office

Blitzo: there was blood in the damn carpet for months

Richthofen: that was an oversight

Millie: it doesn't matter, what matters now is finding Michael

Loona: Millie is right let's move

after walking for about an hour and a half they finally see and hear gunfire in the distance

Loona begins to have flashbacks and instinctually dives for cover

blitzo: loona...loona!

Loona looks up at him

Blitzo: we need to keep moving and if you want to have any chance of finding him

they approach and are immediately stopped by a hellhound in what looks like the stereotypical rebel clothing 

hellhound: stop, state your buisne-

sees millie

hellhound: oh, sorry commander the front is just that way, I had no idea you left

sees Blitzo

hellhound: and you're with him 

he raises his rifle

Millie: Woah woah woah, we don't even know who you are or why you called me commander or why you aimed your gun at Blitzo

hellhound: wait... oh- come with me i know what's going on

Millie: ok...

they get led to a trench and to a small dugout where rebel millie awaits and suddenly the two millies are face to face with each other

Rebel Millie: let me guess you're from another universe like that guy... oh what was his name he went on a small rampage and still hasn't returned... oh yeah Michael that was his name

Loona: where did you see him last

Rebel Millie: he ran off somewhere in the enemy base to go on a small spree I'm sure he-

Hellhound Michael: commander, we have- woah what's going on here, and why are there two of you as well as three of our sworn enemies

Rebel Millie: they are from a different universe

Hellhound Michael: oh, so like the other me

rebel millie: yes

Hellhound Michael: ok... carry on

Loona: *whispers to herself* so that's what he would look like if he was a hellhound

Hellhound Michael: I heard that

he says as he walks away

Rebel Millie: if you all follow me we can go see if we can spot Michael

Loona: yes, please

Rebel Millie: well if you aint the eager type

they all head into the trenches and begin to watch

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