Prolouge.... Begining of the End

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I'd never wanted this. Any of this.

Yet here I was, once again choking on my own blood, feeling the warmth drain from me.

Blood nymphs were impervious to the turning of time, but we could be killed, it was just very difficult.

For a godddss however it came quite easily, the spiteful bitch managed to kill me in every lifetime.

This one was no different.

I stared blindly up at the dark mural above me.

I'd studied the crude depiction thousands of times before, laying in this very spot counting the minutes until she returned to me.

So many days id dutifully waited for her to come back to my bed, Id done everything she'd said. I'd stayed locked in this tower in the sky, stayed quiet, made little to no waves and yet here I lay with my throat ripped asunder by a fucking decorative plant.

I'd kept my promise but Hades had once again failed to keep hers.

The plants toxins began to take effect, my clutching hands falling limp to my sides as the pain began to build from a dull ache to a burning agony that lit my every nerve on fire.

There was no strength left in my body to even whimper much less scream.

The tears id fought so hard to hold back began to spill from the corners of my eyes as the mural faded away, overcome by darkness.

My muscles seized and my body began to spasm uncontrollably.

This time she'd promised me a different end, a long somewhat happy life. Away from everyone and everything free to study the arts and explore my powers creative capabilities.

She'd lied.

Somthing stirred in my mind a familiar slither of her consciousness reaching for mine. At first I held myself apart, fought her intrusion. Apart of me still trying to protect her despite everything, but then the reality settled in as another spasm took hold of me, and with it came the anger.

I let my walls fall, allowing her to feel it all.

The pain, the betrayal, the hatred.

I'll never be yours again. This is the last time I put my life in your hands. You've been careless with it once to many. This lifetime will be the last you feel my embrace. Never again will I trust you...

My thoughts burned up in the fires of torture inflicted on me by her wife.

When this one passed I felt weaker than even before. I didn't have long now.

You're nothing but a goddess of lies and empty promises... you've lost me forever this time I swear it upon the......

Hush now my love...... that is a vow you can not take back.....

Her voice was like black velvet soft and dark....... and filled with sorrow.

Fuck her pain, what about mine! Why was I the one that always died!

I didn't finish my promise. No matter how much I wanted to. It was to late. My mind started to go fuzzy around the edges and soon I lost any followable train of thought.

Instead without my control I lost myself in the reflection of the past until even that faded into nothing.

She never left me, staying with me through our connection until my soul left my cold lifeless body and there was nothing left of me but a corpse.

Even then my energy lingered waiting to be collected not by her or her hound of death but instead by the fates. 

They'd come for me eventually, but I wasn't the only poor soul doomed to repeat the vicious churning cycle of their own tradgedy.

Not all that are dead die.

We're the "lucky" ones. Atleast that's what the fates tell me. We're given endless opportunities to succeed where we'd previously failed.

Only problem was none of us had figured out how to do that yet.

We were the dammed, imprisoned by the past, used as entertainment for the gods.

As I waited I looked down at my body. I'd grown used to seeing myself dead a long time ago, but this time seemed different.

There was something about the way my glassy eyes stared blankly back up at me that cemented my resolve.

Surely I'd been punished enough.

How many more times must she get me killed? How many more times was I expected to give her my love knowing full well she'll never fully give me hers? I was done settling for a sliver of her cold dead heart. Tired of dieing for a flawed broken woman who fancied herself a god.

The shadows in the corner of the room began to collect, twisting and weaving together until she emerged and those inky tendril coiled around her frame into a thin onyx chiton.

If I'd been a physical being that needed to breathe I'm sure the mere sight of her would have stolen the air from my lungs.

As it was I felt a startling calm, this form provided a blanket of saftey against any emotion. Here in this moment I was simply a formless spectator.

Her raven hair was loose and disheveled, the long locks wild and untamed.

Her startling silver eyes swam with tears as she kneeled beside me.

A gentle caress pushed back blood matted hair away from my face, and a trembling hand hovered over my opened throat.

Not one tear fell, but the soft shaky melody of my people filled the room as she began to sing. I watched her collect me in her arms, and place one last kiss upon my lips.

The scene hurt. Or came as close to it as it possibly could.

Every part of me wanted to be hers, but that always lead to my bloodied and broken on the floor.

Soon I was yanked away, my soul being plucked from the room and tossed back into the forging fires of fate.

I fought against it prolonging my return for many many years.

The next two lives ended before they began. Persephone found my mother and murdered her in one and Demter did the honors in the next.

The three lifetimes after that I'd taken my own life out of sheer spite. But the last one I'd managed to stay hidden from her until my early twenties. I'd hidden myself within the temples and ruins of the old gods.

I'd learned much about myself, and my powers. More than any other life before. Or atleast any one that I remembered. There had been so many now, it was impossible to keep track of all of them. I'd been hopeful, but that hope had been dashed when I woke up one morning to find a grape vine had grown up into the crumbling frame of the ancient statue I was  sleeping under.

It hadn't been there when I'd fallen asleep and it had take root and matured overnight, bearing hundreds of heavy ripe purple grapes upon its vines.

Persephone and Dionysus were thicker than thieves. If he'd found me, she would surly be close behind.

That morning I brewed potent poison and had it for breakfast.

This new life I'll be ready. I'm stronger now, and things are different, times have changed, the gods and their rule has been altered by the shifting of each generation.

For years I've died for someone else. I think it's long past due that I start fighting for myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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