Reaching Out

26 1 0

-Author note: I can't believe its number one 😭-

The Owl House was buzzing and beeping noise from the inside. Inside of the Owl House, Luz's phone is buzzing and charging. Luz grabs her phone while still sleeping with King.

Luz sits up as her phone reads "Event Reminder With Mami". Luz stares at her phone, then ignores the event reminder.

At the doorway to the living room, Eda peeks from on the corner with King on her head.

"Uh, feelin' okay, Luz?"
Luz writes on a whiteboard. "I feel great! Today's gonna be a productive day of problem solving." Luz grabs a scroll of a list, then shows it to Eda.

"Successfully build a portal to the Human Realm"? "Learn every glyph combination"? "Figure out what Belos is planning and show him what for"?

Luz digs through papers. "Look. I've already learned a new combo. Excuse me, Francois. I call it the safety hover!"

She grabs Francois from King and sticks a glyph combo onto its chest. She then throws it in the air, and it floats right before it hits the ground.

"Ooh! That'll work great when birds try to fly away with me."
"And I'm already on my way to building a second door."

Hooty is trying to stabilize a wooden door taped to him, with a broom, a cinderblock, and a hammer near it. Hooty then sneezes, causing everything to come crashing down.

"Achoo! Ow."
"Uh, it's a work in progress. But look at this!" Luz grabs a Scroll out of her pocket.

"Did you steal my Penstagram?"
"I borrowed it because I've got a castle insider getting info on Belos. Willow gave me Hunter's contact. Hehehe."

Luz starts texting Hunter under his username, RULERZREACHF4N.

'Are you good now?'
'Is Belos evil?? You can tell me!'
'Also hi!'
'It's Luz!'
Bat emoji, lighting emoji, flower emoji, plant emoji, and rainbow emoji.


Hunter sends a picture of Flapjack sleeping on his robe.
'sORry.wrong.person .,.'

"Hmm. You're avoiding something. Spill it."
"I am not! Maybe I am." Luz lets Eda take her scroll back and sits. "Okay, I definitely am."

King and Eda surround her, Eda placing her old letterman jacket around Luz.

"Every year, me and Mom have this little ritual we do. It's nothing big. I just miss her. That's all."
"What you need is a healthy distraction from your problems. Like breakfast!"
"Yeah. Okay. I could go for a griffin egg."
"Well, let us know if you need anything, okay?"
"I'll meet you guys in the kitchen."

"Now, where did Y/n place them?" Eda and King walk off.

Amity walks in the Owl House. "Luz! I have a problem, and it could distract us all day!"
"Tell me all about it and don't spare a single detail!"

-Blight Manor-

"Dad, look! It's the Bonesborough Brawl tonight. And since I'm finally old enough to participate, I- I was thinking-"
Alador grabs a book made by Darius titled "Abomination Creation" and looks at it with disgust.

"Ah, Mittens! Didn't see you there."
"Clearly. So do you think you'll be able to take me to the Brawl tonight?"
"No. Uh, tonight they're holding the Emperor's Coven tryouts in town. Your mother already signed you up, and I've prepared a chaperone to make sure you get there safely."

Alador throws the book to a nearby Abomaton, then the Abomaton slices the book in half and picks Amity up.

An alarm from the Abomaton sets off, then Alador turns it off with a remote.
"You mean to make sure I get there. Dad... I don't want to go to coven tryouts. I wanna enter the Brawl, and maybe win the champion belt. Like you did."

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