Chapter 10

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About two hours after Erin left, I was sitting on the couch next to Niall and Harry. It had started to rain and by rain I mean pour! There were flood hazzads all around us and the yard looked more like a pond rather than a yard. Davis and Bonner had gone with Louis, Liam, and Zayn to a studio that was about and hour away from the house. Niall and Harry had finished their recordings already so we decided to have a movie day.

Harry fell asleep about half an hour ago while watching The Hunger Games and Niall had just gotten up to get something to eat. I took took advantage of the remote and turned on a rerun of Duck Dynasty.

"What on earth are you watching?" Niall said, walking back into the screen room and sitting down next to me with a grin plastered on his face.

"Duck Dynasty...pft, what else?" I grinned back.

"Well what's it about? It looks stupid! Why is that guy letting that other guy shock himself with an electric fly swatter?"

"Those 'guys' have names...that one's Jase and the other one is Martin. And it's about a bunch of Rednecks like me, Davis, and Bonner."

"What's a redneck????"

"Really, Niall, really?"

"Yes Riley, really."

"A redneck is someone that's not afraid to get their hands a little dirty."

"Oh...wait what? What do you mean by 'getting your hands a little dirty'?"

"We hunt, skin, and eat whatever we killed and we don't freak out because we got a little mud on our clothes."

"Yeah right. Like you've ever skinned an animal. You probably don't even know how to catch a fish." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Alright then. Since you don't believe me...tomorrow morning me and you...we're going fishing."

"Ughhhh! Why can't we go deer hunting instead?"

"Hmmmm...Oh I don't know...Oh! Maybe because it's summer and deer aren't in season for another," I thought for a minuite while counting with my fingers,"6 months," I finished.

"Ugh, whatever. Fine I'll go. But only because you'll be with m-" He stopped himself and looked at me with wide eyes and his cheeks turning red.

Is it weird that my face turned the color of a tomato also and my stomach just had millions of butterflies erupting every where?

"Uh...mean, you know, to help me if I fall into the river...yeah," he managed to get out.

"Yeah, yeah I wont let you fall and drown or anything." We watched each other a couple more minuites and started to lean in. Our foreheads touched and he leaned in more. Just as his lips brushed against mine, my phone started play 'Storm Warning' by Hunter Hayes.

Yeah, perfect timing there Davis! Thanks a lot! *note the sarcasm*

"What, Davis?!" I answered, annoyed that he ruined mine and Niall's moment!

"Well my bad! Who peed in your cheerios this morning?! Goodness! Now, please come get the door. We left our keys inside and its raining...a lot."

"No dip, Davis. I thought it was Texas!"

"Whatever. Just come get the door, please."

"Fine, we're coming," I hung up. "Sorry, Davis locked himself out. He can be stupid sometimes." I explained to Niall.

"That's fine. Now lets go let these idiots in the the house," Niall laughed as we stood up and walked out of the screen room.

Well...I may actually have strong feelings for Niall. I just hope he feels the same way about me.

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